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Yeah, that's definitely a citation needed moment. All I could find regarding who the CFR endorsed in 2008 were right-wing conspiracy blogs and YouTube videos that contained only insinuations rather than provable facts.
Chomsky is also a well-regarded intellectual who co-authored the book Manufacturing Consent, which remains a highly influential text on the media and the military-industrial complex even today. His politics clearly lean towards the libertarian socialist/anarchist end of the spectrum, though, so of course he has his critics and detractors.
Thoughts on this Dutch Institute for the Study of Globalization and Covert Politics they cite?
edit: Also been digging into this Swiss Policy Research group, and they've actually got a page on Meda Bias/Fact Check. Not sure why I didn't check sooner.
I haven't heard of it before, but it seems to be a pretty stereotypical, right-libertarian site with pretensions of being a respectable organization even though it is apparently run by one guy with some highly questionable political views.
Content warning: blatant racism
I haven't objectively examined the accuracy of the reporting on this site, but my hunch is that it would be pretty low.