submitted 2 weeks ago by BrikoX@lemmy.zip to c/globalnews@lemmy.zip

Climate activists from Last Generation disrupted Munich airport by gluing themselves to a runway, leading to flight cancellations and delays over a busy weekend.

Archived version: https://archive.ph/OaVXl

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[-] xor@infosec.pub -4 points 2 weeks ago

What do you have in mind?

i don’t need to present an alternative to glueing yourself to things….

the jury is not out on that… and i don’t really care about your opinions pretending like you’ve read research about how effective gluing yourself to things it….

it’s honestly pretty fucking evil of you to promote it.

nobody should hurt themselves to spread your political message.

[-] InternetPerson@lemmings.world 2 points 1 week ago

i don’t need to present an alternative to glueing yourself to things….

I've had this kind of talk a lot of times. And when it actually comes to "those alternatives", which critics say activists should pursue instead, one common reaction is silence, as they are lacking ideas about those.
I'll leave you with that.

the jury is not out on that…

As far as I know, it is. If there are new studies, which I don't know of and which come to a clear conclusion, I'd be thankful if you could link them here.

and i don’t really care about your opinions pretending like you’ve read research about how effective gluing yourself to things it….

Well, that's your decision. If you don't believe in facts, then don't. But then it's not surprising if people call you out on that, if you don't provide proof for your position.
If you're interested – which you don't seem to be – I'll happily share the studies, historical examples, reports and surveys I've collected on that topic.

it’s honestly pretty fucking evil of you to promote it.

I didn't promote it. Maybe you can explain what gave you the impression?

nobody should hurt themselves to spread your political message.

I agree that nobody should hurt themselves. Although I can understand if people see themselves driven to such measures out of desperation and/or in order to prevent worse.
Regarding that activist group "Letzte Generation", I couldn't find any reports about injuries due to glueing.

Also I wonder where you get the "your political message" from as I didn't make any statement about my political stance on that.

[-] xor@infosec.pub 0 points 1 week ago

one common reaction is silence, as they are lacking ideas about those.

you’re an idiot.
i’m not taking your bait.
go glue yourself to something then, show me how much you’re not just talking out of your ass.

[-] InternetPerson@lemmings.world 0 points 1 week ago

That took a very uncivilised turn.

Why are you so angry?

[-] xor@infosec.pub 0 points 1 week ago
[-] InternetPerson@lemmings.world 0 points 1 week ago

No, did I make the impression?

I am just trying to understand you and have a civilised discussion with you.

[-] xor@infosec.pub 0 points 1 week ago
[-] InternetPerson@lemmings.world 0 points 1 week ago

We seem to have reached a point where our conversation is no longer productive. As I value respectful and constructive dialogue, continuing appears no longer beneficial. Thank you for sharing your perspective. I hope we can engage more positively in the future, so let me know if you feel interested at some point in the future. Take care.

[-] xor@infosec.pub 0 points 1 week ago

how many times do i have to say it before you have gpt pretend to understand it?
no, sea lion, YOU have no intention to have a reasonable discussion

[-] InternetPerson@lemmings.world 0 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

See above.

Until I see something which resembles a civilised and respectful response, showing an interest in continuing a discussion about the initial topic, I will no longer engage with you.

[-] xor@infosec.pub 0 points 6 days ago

lol… pretending like you’re ending the conversation when i’ve been repeating that i do not intend to have some fake argument that you’re programmed to generate

this post was submitted on 18 May 2024
114 points (99.1% liked)

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