submitted 2 weeks ago by ZippyBot@lemmy.zip to c/gaming@lemmy.zip
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[-] GissaMittJobb@lemmy.ml 1 points 2 weeks ago

What level of Early Access would you call this? On a scale of "dev needs more money before the proper launch" to "basically done already and early access as a form of marketing".

[-] edgemaster72@lemmy.world 5 points 2 weeks ago

"Game is already better than most games that will be released this year because it's based on one of the best games of the last 5 years, but the devs are awesome and want to make it as best as it can be so they made the game available now for feedback from the players so it can reach its full potential."

this post was submitted on 17 May 2024
14 points (88.9% liked)


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