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• Deplatform Disease - A medical blog that specifically counters anti-COVID-vaccine claims
• Respectful Insolence - David Gorsky's blog on antivax shenanigans, politics, and pseudoscience
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You left out Oliver North helping the Contras smuggle tons and tons of cocaine into America, creating the Crack Epidemic of the 1980's.
Thanks for your comment but in this community we always like to see sources.
Could you provide some citations to support those claims?
American Dad isn't what I'd generally consider a credible source, but hey at least it's something!
Which came thru Arkansas while Clinton was governor. Not defending Ollie since he is human garbage.
The cocaine came through Arkansas and Clinton had something to do with it? You got a source for this?
Rush Limbaugh's ass.
From wikipedia, look there to chase footnotes for sources
Several journalists state that the CIA used Mena Intermountain Municipal Airport in Arkansas to smuggle weapons and ammunition to the Contras in Nicaragua, and drugs back into the United States.[27][28] Some theories have claimed the involvement of political figures Oliver North, then vice president and former CIA director George H. W. Bush and then Arkansas governor Bill Clinton.[28][29]
Wow, did you read any of that. Ctl-f "Clinton " in that wiki article. Zero.
Judicial Watch (great source) is trying crazy hard in that article to suggest that judicial watch is saying there is a connection but they seem have nothing. Serious, they reference themselfs. It reads like a twelve year old with a clear bias wrote it. He was governor at the time. If you want to claim more, show real evidence. Your feeling don't count, snowflake.
You’re affirming that your statement regarding Bill Clinton is a meaningless inclusion.
Then why include it in your comment at all?
I’d love to know!
Please tell me why you thought a statement that strung unrelated pieces of information together without establishing a relationship between them or drawing a conclusion about their relationship was a worthwhile contribution to the discourse.
When pressed, you linked to sources without elaborating your position or reason for linking to them.
Was that intentional? Did you mean to give any person who might engage with you a completely blank slate, in which you could then simply accuse them of arguing against something you had not actually asserted?
Bait them into making a straw man argument, and insinuate that validates the premise you still have not stated?
I am curious how this conversation thread would have gone if you had actually stated your premise so others could dismiss it as its own logical fallacy: correlation is not causation.
But noooo, I had to read through someone putting forth genuine effort to call you on your nonsense while you offered low quality, dishonest responses that use the same sort of shifty rhetorical techniques that “journalists” employ on rage-bait news-otainment TV programs.
And then - after the self-adulatory statements, pseudo-intellectual nonsense, and pointless insults - you claim the links you shared which do not support your implied premise are proof that you have adequately supported your not-claims? Weak.
Wow, you got me. So facts. Much conclusion. Argument. 100. Winning.
None of that really provides any evidence that Bill Clinton was involved. Is Clinton being the governor germane or are you just stating random facts?
It doesn't provide evidence because it has to do with the fact it happened in Mena, AK. And Bill Clinton was the Governor at the time.
Appearently stating a fact triggered the fuck out of this thread. It's so stupid too because there are people (maybe you are in this category, maybe not - and this is not an insult so don't take it as such) who weren't born at the time he was Governor or even when he was President and wouldn't know or care.
Where I went wrong was I forgot that facts aren't facts to the Redditors here and they are frothing at the mouth waiting to make up strawmen arguments, argue in bad faith and unleash their vitriol over a it.
That being said, thank you for an honest question. Here is the answer and a link for further reading:
You attempt to involve Clinton in the smuggling failed. Do everyone, including yourself, a favor and just delete your comment.
He provided sources. While there's nothing definitive pinning most of the accused, that's by design. Successful criminals don't take notes at a criminal conspiracy.
Let's be clear, Clinton was better than many Republicans before him. Better than all that came after him. But that's not an achievement. It's a bar so ridiculously low it's hard to even trip on.
You funny.
By your logic, everyone in New York on 9/11 is a potential co-conspirator.
"They were there, and they don't have proof they weren't involved!"