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『she hacked you』 is like a pokèmon, evolving into a larger + more complex community project

SHY originally was only free educational computer science courses streamed live weekly; needing music for the stream, it became a music project, needing a community to tie everything together so there would be students and not an empty stream; I begun social media presence like on Then overtime that has begun to change what the project is and means; and it has become more of a community.

Will it work? Who knows, probably not, but we can only know if we try

About Us

A community primarily made of various scientists, makers, hackers, communists, socialists, ecologists, mycologists, journalists, artists, arsonists, writers, environmentalists, witch apologists, engineers, activists, narco-terrorists, night-timers, day-dreamers and party-crashers

Different backgrounds, and beliefs; but what binds us together is the concern/care for other humans, and other creatures around us. Refusing to be bystanders in our universe

Objective facts are important to us b/c of our feelings

All languages/cultures/nationalities/identities are welcome: please join us and share your unique perspective, thoughts, posts, and interesting links


Essentially none; you are free to be stupid, free to post just about anything

Our goal is to mimic freedom of expression found on the early internet; but that is also freedom to endlessly ridicule, embarrass, insult and shame if you create stupid or hateful posts

But preferably, cultivate Interpersonal communication skills, be comfortable when incorrect, and learn from other people

Racist, fascist, and classical nazi to neo-nazi-- will wish you got banned; instead of consequences like suddenly bricked devices


The founder and current administrator of the community is

Until I regret this decision, anyone is welcome to contact me via direct message or email:

I gladly accept love letters, but I'm not so fond of death threats; but don't censor yourself.

Use XMPP? Join our chat

Or, reach me directly at

Support & Donations

Contributing financial support does make a difference via paypal or via ko-fi

Support enables this community to continue growing; while never featuring advertisements, pay-walls. Enable continuous improvement full-time

And, of course, you can shower me with your cryptocurrency You were able to make obscene amounts in cryptocurrency? Then why haven't you sent me some already? I'm offended

I will take whatever esoteric fork-coin or token you want to gift me; don't regale me with tales of its extraordinary magical properties, just send it.


Want to moderate?

Reach out; even if this doesn't provide a platform for long-form posting like originally intended if a community nucleates around it, growth will be encouraged and interesting things will be found here.

founded 9 months ago

I'm making my own Markdown/MDX replacement. Just added an "about" attribute to my blockquotes today. Pretty happy with the way things are shaping up.


the intro to this one always give me a little lift


No rules, means like "copying is not stealing"

If you try it, you will likely be sucked in, it is very very good. But only 10 issues, so can be read in an afternoon.

I read a lot: sci-articles code fiction nonfiction + yes comics books

Got into comics so late I skipped DC/Marvel, was given "Watchmen" (only DC ever); it was good, but best of all time?

the artform is so different, so much better

Rick Remender is one of the best living scifi #authors

From "Low", "Tokyo Ghost", "Black Science", +more but those are sufficient to make the cut

I personally uploaded copies of the first 8 issues to my own server with no ads, or wait times, or anything else




I was first inspired by this concept when reading the book Makers. Have you ever read the book "Makers" by Corey Doctorow?

He had a very clever solution which I wanted to try; bought the parts but lacked the motivation. Because the person I do projects with is very detail oriented and organizes things very well.

But the concept was you put an RFID on every physical item you want to index. Then you put a reader in a collection of bins. Then you just randomly put the items in the bins without thinking about how its organized.

Then you can write software to be able to do a search of your physical items that have the RFID (or even the newer low power Bluetooth would work too, didn't exist at the time of writing the book).

So when doing a physical search, the idea is that it lights up the container its in, then you can go directly tot that container and obtain the physical item without needing to do any organization.

I have other ideas; but that one is the first one that comes to mind, I highly recommend the book; and all his books, I'm a big fan. I never really got into his site Boing Boing but his writing is stellar.

If you can't afford it, or can't find it; let me know and I will post the audio book for you or the EPUB. Whichever you prefer.

With newer Bluetooth protocols, more complex versions of this is definitely possible.


I'm not sure how to make it happen. It would be hard to monetize and goes against siloed content, but wow would the world be a better place if we controlled out data


Hey there - I'm Alan and this is my intro

. First, I'm on Mastodon and we should totally follow each other there

. This is gonna be long because, like Pascal said, I don't have time to write something shorter

. Please take everything I say with the picture of a person who's pretty energetic and genuinely excited about whatever it is they are saying. (I'm very rarely severe in my tone)

. Bullet points are my friend. It takes me a very long time to edit full on prose If I didn't do bullet points I'd rarely get anything out. So, let's run with that here

. The ability to randomize these points would be awesome. Ordering things make them feel like the order matters and it doesn't really here. Maybe skim around and read them randomly to simulate the experience?

. Photography used to be my thing, but I haven't taken a shot in a long time. Still love the idea of it and will probably get back to it at some point

. One day I'm going to get back to my Million Portrait Project ( - sorry for the "http without an s" link, but that site is old. Fixing that is on the list)

. Music is huge to me. Headphones are on most of the time. (I can totally recommend open-back ones if you haven't tried them before, I got a very enjoyable pair of phillips for like $100)

. Doing projects and new stuff gives me the happy brain juice

. "Tuneify" is my current project. It's an attempt to make a better robot DJ. A notoriously hard problem. I don't expect to do anything surprising with it. I just want to see what happens if I implement the ideas in my head and learn more about how all that stuff works

. Learning is my jam, btw

. Tuneify will be here: - but it's far from even being a workable prototype. (It just loads your top songs into an IndexedDB when you log in. Unless I've broken it between the time I posted this and the time you see it which is likely given the dev process)

. Instead of listing about a bunch of projects I should just link to my links page which has a several of them

. Though, if you like The Shining, I'm really proud of:

. On yeah, my main site is: - there's like 1,800 completely unorganized posts on there. Still working on how I want to deal with that

. Part of dealing with it is that I wrote my own file format: and a static site generator to go with it. I'm tired of jumping frameworks, so my goal is to use this for the next 20 years

. Feels like I should mention I have bipolar 1, but I don't really think about that very often. (I'm super lucky that my meds let me be functional)

. For 22 years, I worked at the PGA TOUR. I got burned out in general and after recovering from two years of major bipolar depression. Currently no gig. Still trying to figure out how I'm going to fit into the world


Hi, I'm Mich.

I'm having a weird time lately so my introduction is going to be a little fragmented.

I write software for a living. I used to enjoy it more than I do now: I burned out this year. I know it's something I'm good at though, so I'm looking for communities or projects where I can help out with the skills I have.

I'm passionate about music, and make my own sometimes.

I'm neurodiverse, and still learning what that means for me.

I'm confused about a lot of things and I'm learning that's okay.


I'm not feeling well, actually in a lot of pain. Sooo I'm going to not write much, also my UPS is really running low, had to turn off my monitors to keep my servers going.

Don't know how long Ill be online for.


I'm a software developer who fell in love with teaching. Unfortunately many companies providing an education in writing code are scams, and I'm sad to say I'm working for one right now. I've been playing with the idea of having free "learn to code" streams, to give people the education without ripping them off.

I also am interested in getting into music production ( I have a year of piano lessons under my belt! humble beginnings lol), and I have an eccentric art style if there is a desire for visuals that don't feel derivative and samey like most modern art efforts. Attached is my most recent art piece.

I'm not just interested in teaching, really I want to just find other people who also enjoy creating and sharing information. I don't care about being rich or going viral. I just want a social ecosystem where "Wouldn't it be cool if..." is likely to be followed up by "Yeah, we should try it", or "No I already attempted that, but here is what I learned."

Anyways I'm here to help how I can!


This should support more than one image; there are a lot of issues with this service but it was one of the reasons I wanted to experiment with it.


Saw the post on Mastodon that linked over here and decided to give it a shot. I just wrote up this piece which feels like maybe it would fit.


You are free to express yourself here, hate is not tolerated, but there are more fun and effective ways to remove these bad actors than a simple ban; and it will be fun if they let us explore the options available to us. It would be the biggest regret post of their life.


Song file got corrupted so it was "finished" or rather saved in #audacity

Download @

#Soundcloud downloads enabled + #bandcamp is pay what you want