if you have any thoughts, concerns, or ideas for helping our community flourish.
I mod a couple tiny subreddits and, like you, put a link to the lemmycomm in the sidebar. I think that's a good first move.
Debunking pseudoscience, myths, and spurious hogwash since 2010.
We are an evidence-based Reddit/Lemmy community dedicated to taking an objective look at questionable theories, dodgy news sources, bold-faced claims, and suspicious studies.
Title formatting on all posts should be "Debunk This: [main claim]"
Example: "Debunk This: Chemicals in the water are turning the frogs gay."
All posts must include at least one source and one to three specific claims to be debunked, so commenters know exactly what to investigate.
Example: "According to this YouTube video, dihydrogen monoxide turns amphibians homosexual. Is this true? Also, did Albert Einstein really claim this?"
NSFW/NSFL content is not allowed.
Always try to back up your comments with linked sources. Just saying "this is untrue" isn't all that helpful without facts to support it.
Standard community rules apply regarding spam, self-promotion, personal attacks and hate speech, etc.
Suggested Fediverse Communities
• RFK Jr. Watch @lemm.ee - Discuss misinformation being spread by antivaxxer politician, Robert F Kennedy Jr.
• Skeptic @lemmy.world - Discuss pseudoscience, quackery, and bald-faced BS
• Skeptic @kbin.social - The above, just on Kbin
• Science Communication @mander.xyz - Discuss science literacy and media reporting
Useful Resources
• Common examples of misleading graphs - How to spot dodgy infographics
• Metabunk.org - a message board dedicated to debunking popular conspiracies
• Media Bias / Fact Check - Great resource for current news fact checking + checking a source's political bias
• Science Based Medicine - A scientific look at current issues and controversies
• Deplatform Disease - A medical blog that specifically counters anti-COVID-vaccine claims
• Respectful Insolence - David Gorsky's blog on antivax shenanigans, politics, and pseudoscience
if you have any thoughts, concerns, or ideas for helping our community flourish.
I mod a couple tiny subreddits and, like you, put a link to the lemmycomm in the sidebar. I think that's a good first move.
Yep, I also gave a heads-up to interested parties in our sticky post about the API changes.
It's clear that the % of members who are going to migrate here is relatively small, however I'd much rather be here with less activity than back on Reddit.
I anticipate migrants will be more perceptive, intelligent, and active, than those who stay behind.
The majority over there are clueless as to what is at stake or why any of it matters beyond them being able to scroll and mindlessly benefit from the work of others. They're users, rather than builders or facilitators. They don't understand howthings become available for their use, but they certainly don't want their use disturbed. It's all like tap water or electricity to them. Open a valve, flip a switch, and here comes the magical water and light. No clue how it gets to them, but don't you dare interfere with their use!
This domain will be initially populated with better people.
Quality not quantity, one might say :)
Those who don't contribute won't be missed.
One of the highest voted comments in my favorite former (quite small) sub, was in response to a mod's complaint about being suspended and booted, etc. A very active and valuable contributor of long standing, the mod abdicated and announced the decision in a post. The comment, from a user I was not familiar with, "We have mods?"
What those votes pointed out was either a great number of lurkers who never contributed, or bots scanning for and downvoting posts on the subject. Either way, those voters won't be missed.