“Rap sheet longer than most adults”…well no shit, most functioning adults don’t have a rap sheet at all.
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Seriously true. Also, most functioning adults didn’t have the “upbringing” this child had.
Sandifer's mother, Lorina Sandifer, had over 30 arrests while prostituting, many of which were drug-related. Sandifer's father, Robert Akins, was absent throughout Sandifer's life due to incarceration for a felony gun charge. Sandifer was physically abused from the time he was an infant.
Before he was three years old… Sandifer was alleged to have had cigarette burns on his arms and neck as well as linear bruising consistent with physical beatings.
Sandifer and his siblings were removed from his mother's home by DCFS and were sent to live with their grandmother… whose residence contained as many as 19 children on some occasions. By most accounts, his grandmother's home was not much better than Sandifer's previous home.
It would have taken a miracle for this kid to reach adulthood and I guarantee he would not have been a functioning adult.
Can’t argue with that. What a horrible childhood.
Jeez… that kid was born into a hellish upbringing. He literally never had a chance. No wonder his rap sheet was big.
Quite literally a victim of American hegemony, greed, and fetishistic capitalism. Society failed this kid so fucking hard.