Please don't tell Disney.
A place to share pictures
1. Images only (obviously).
But meta posts without images are allowed.
2. Pictures only
This community is for pictures. Merriam-Webster defines a picture as “a painting, drawing, or photograph of someone or something.” However, this community will extend this definition. Digital forms such as 3D render are allowed. Abstract art forms that do not represent anything are also allowed.
3. No distracting superimposed text or emoji
Generally, you should be able to appreciate a post without being able to read.
4. No low quality MS paint-esque drawings
5. Remember to follow sitewide rules
You can find them on the sidebar of the homepage
What do you mean Dont tell Disney? You know how powerful & omniscient they are. You will be apprehended from your warm safe bed in the middle of the night by the Disney mafia and they will serve you with a cease-and-desist letter along with a multi-million dollar fine, followed by firing squad.
this is how mousse is made. is it really worth it?????