Alon Mizrahi
For so many years Palestinians and many authentic Arab leaders tried to tell the world how pivotal, historic, defining, the year 1948 was. But hardly anyone listened, certainly in the West.
Now I'm thinking that it may not be exaggerated to say that in 1945 WW2 ended, and three years later the groundwork for WW3 began.
If you block out the propaganda relating to the US-USSR conflict, you realize it was always, always about colonialism; and communists understood it, but almost no one in the West did. It was so extremely fringe to even get it. Today so many people get this.
It would be safe to assume everybody will see today's mega-massacre as a call to escalation. From Hezbollah to the Houthies to Jihadi fighters from all over, Israel is telling all of them, today, clearly and loudly: we are not stopping before we murder or subjugate all of you.
So this is it: this is a fight between people who want, respect, and understand freedom, and a civilization that only respects its own brute force. No one is backing down. Coexistence is dead.