It's weird, but I quite often sit on calls watching people who use VSCode taking 2-3 times as long to accomplish the same outcome as I can in my Jetbrains IDE. Either they don't have the plugin installed rn, or it's not working atm, or they have too many and it's gotten slow, etc.
Ah yes, the next laggy and shitty jetbrains IDE. Truly wonderful. /s
It's weird, but I quite often sit on calls watching people who use VSCode taking 2-3 times as long to accomplish the same outcome as I can in my Jetbrains IDE. Either they don't have the plugin installed rn, or it's not working atm, or they have too many and it's gotten slow, etc.
And then you see a vim wizard flying through the code at the speed of light, leaving those Jetbrains users behind.
Just joking, I love vim (wouldn't call myself a wizard though) but everyone should just use whatever suits them.