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A community for progressive issues, social justice and LGBT+ causes in media, gaming, entertainment and tech.

Official replacement for Reddit's r/GamerGhazi

Content should be articles, video essays, podcasts about topics relevant to the forum. No memes, single images or tweets/toots/... please!

Community rules:

Be respectful and civil with each other. Don't be a jerk. There is a real human being on the other side of your screen. See also the Blahaj.Zone Community Rules

No bigotry of any kind allowed. Making racist, sexist, trans-/homo-/queerphobic, otherwise demeaning and hateful comments is not ok. Disabilities and mental illnesses are not to be used as insults and should not be part of your comment unless speaking of your own or absolutely relevant.

No gatekeeping and being rude to people who don't agree with you. Leave “gamer” stereotypes out of your comment (e.g. sexless, neck bearded, teenaged, basement-dwelling, etc). Don't compare people to animals, or otherwise deny their humanity. Even if you think someone is the worst human on the planet, do not wish death or harm upon them.

No "justice porn". Posts regarding legal action and similar is allowed, but celebrating someone being harmed is not.

Contrarianism for its own sake is unnecessary and not welcome.

No planning operations, no brigading, no doxxing or similar activities allowed.

Absolutely no defense of GamerGate and other right-wing harassment campaigns, no TERFs and transphobia, racism, dismissing of war crimes and praise of fascists. This includes “JAQing off”, intentionally asking leading questions while pretending to be a neutral party. This also applies to other forms of authoritarianism and authoritarian or criminal actions by liberal or leftist governments.

NSFW threads, such as ones discussing erotic art, pornography and sex work, must be tagged as such.

Moderators can take action even if none of the rules above are broken.

founded 1 year ago

Cutesy, pink, and girly styles are on the rise in first-person shooters. Polygon spoke to the Valorant developers about how it makes cosmetics.


While Transgender lives in the UK and US are at risk, PinkNews abandons its transgender readers.


There were rumors surrounding the document and many believed it to be fake. It has been confirmed to be genuine by now.


Fordola and Yotsuyu's treatment and ultimate fate in the story are starkly different, and in this way they clearly expose underlying gendered biases in how their writers think about Evil Women(TM) and who “deserves” redemption in narratives about trauma and war.


For those who don't want to give the Graundian a click: Archived article


“Nudify” sites may be fined for making it easy to “see anyone naked,” suit says.


Jeff Goldblum guest hosted Jimmy Kimmel Live on Thursday, introducing a segment that allowed working actors to qualify for health insurance


Two serious allegations emerged in August in the chess world: One poisoning allegation, and one sexual harassment report.


This is some beautifully-executed satire.

Former UK Prime Minister Liz Truss (whose reign lasted a mere 45 days) appeared at an event to promote her new book Ten Years to Save the West. As she was blathering on, activist group Led by Donkeys lowered a remote-controlled banner reading "I crashed the economy," with a picture of the famous head of lettuce that outlasted her time in office.

Truss, like most conservative politicians, had no sense of humor about the event, and marched off the stage.


For those who encounter a paywall: Archived version

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