You're right. In fact, in the place there are many more eroded stones with shapes that recall strange and ancient beings (or parts of them). Although the pareidolia will have a lot of the blame 😅
Yes, it is the same kind if stone and the same “sculptor”
I have used CircuitPython in some projects, especially with my children. Python was easier for them than C. For small projects (domestic sensor, remote control car,...) there is no difference in performance. For those use cases that are more demanding and squeeze the possibilities of the SoC to the maximum, obviously, it is not worth it. Taking this into account, I think it is an alternative for many DIY projects that are being done out there
You're right. It was taken a day before but it gave me an error when uploading the photo (it happens to me with some frequency in Lemmy lately) and it stayed in the pending queue
I agree. It is more a curiosity thing than a real life project. But it helps to show the potential of this SoCs and it is a good practice for a lot of things.
There are free IoT cloud solutions to send and receive data and that work with MQTT protocol for this purpose.
I used an iPhone XS
Me too!