
joined 3 years ago
[–] xe8@lemmy.ml 2 points 3 years ago (2 children)

That just sounds like Malthusian / eco-fascist lines of thought.


This place is full of weird and wonderful art. I recommend just randomly clicking through some videos.


I haven’t read a lot of these sources myself yet, but the first one at least by the Communist Party of India is worth a read.


In the summer of 2017, in the Toronto neighbourhood of Parkdale, over 300 tenants living across 12 apartment buildings went on rent strike to protest a wave of rent increases that would have displaced members of their community. Through months of organizing and a series of escalating actions, working-class people took on the biggest corporate landlord in their neighbourhood… and won. In an age where gentrification is rapidly transforming the nature and demographics of working-class neighbourhoods in cities across the world, pushing out poorer tenants, people on fixed incomes, immigrant communities and other long-term residents, the story of the Parkdale rent strike offers an important and practical lesson on how we can organize with our neighbours to fight back.

[–] xe8@lemmy.ml 1 points 3 years ago

That seems fine. I’m just thinking it’s best to do so with some substantial analysis / critique.

If you just start a thread with the title of “Am I allowed to criticize tankism in this forum?” and saying nothing else, it’s just going to come off as inflammatory trolling without substance. You’re not going to convince anyone that way.


This article is a guide for achieving a full-as-possible Wayland setup on Arch Linux.


This article is a guide for achieving a full-as-possible Wayland setup on Arch Linux.

[–] xe8@lemmy.ml 1 points 3 years ago (5 children)

What’s “tankism”? There’s just been a statement about the political ideologies of devs / mods on Lemmy.

If you just want to share a spicy meme there are other communities like /c/completeanarchy and /c/dankleft.

Seems appropriate at this point that here you should at least put some effort into your critique and at least define if you’re talking about Marxism, ML, MLM, or some other ideology.

me_irl (lemmy.ml)
[–] xe8@lemmy.ml 1 points 3 years ago

It’s not so much being “run” by tankies, as it is being developed. So that should be respected. And it’s being built in a way that seems in line with anarchist principles, which allows for federation. If there’s a problem another instance could easily be created. If you don’t like it, take direct action and spin up a server.

Right now I think this instance is fine. It’s much better than a place like Reddit which is full of libs, or other sites full of nazis - and all run for profit with targeted advertising and tracking.

I also think it’s good to at least engage with each other. Even if you consider yourself an anarchist, it’s still good to read theory from other schools of thought, and at least take on board some of the tankie criticisms. You might also change some minds along the way.

Anyway, there’s a lot to be done in unionizing our workplaces, building mutual aid networks, spreading propaganda, building software, etc. etc. So this topic is probably a bit of a dead end.

[–] xe8@lemmy.ml 0 points 3 years ago (1 children)

There’s plenty you could post about China’s history, language, people, food, art, landscape, etc. if you don’t like what you see.

It seems like many people who claim to be critical of both the US and China are much more critical of China, and are also more likely to make generalizations about China, and Chinese people when they can more easily make distinctions about the US and American people.

If you’re actually equally critical of the US, Canada, Australia, etc. then you should be just as vocal about PRISM, ICE, treatment of asylum seekers, wage slavery, police, prisons, and so on.

[–] xe8@lemmy.ml 1 points 3 years ago (2 children)

You go somewhere else. There are plenty of other communities for you to defend dictators in.

[–] xe8@lemmy.ml 1 points 3 years ago

I know about S-curves, economies of scope and scale, JIT production, etc. I’ve read Stiglitz, Fukuyama, and the rest of it. I was also fed the same neoliberal propaganda about unions, and how great individual contracts are.

Ok, so let’s say we’re all in some distant future driving electric vehicles with no emissions.

That’s still not addressing mass deforestation, overfishing, pollution, and the myriad of other destructive practices that capitalism encourages.

And it’s not addressing why everyone need a car in the first place to rush to jobs, most of which are useless, destructive, or could be automated if we weren’t all required to do wage work in order to pay rent and survive.

Elon Musk is now the richest person in the world and what’s he doing to create actual change? Nothing.

[–] xe8@lemmy.ml 2 points 3 years ago (2 children)

When did I deny climate change?

Green capitalism isn’t going to stop climate change, and colonizing Mars isn’t any kind of solution as long as we’re still living under a system that expects and enforces unrestrained exploitation and consumption.

If we can’t do what’s required to keep this planet habitable, we don’t have much chance of surviving Mars.

The solution to climate change isn’t making electric luxury cars so some Silicon Valley techbros can drive them to Burning Man to take LSD and feel like they’re changing the world. The solution to climate change is for workers to build power in their workplaces, communities to organize, strike, abolish capitalism and build a system from the bottom up that works for the health and happiness of all people, animals, and the planet that we live on - not enslaving most of us so a select few billionaires can hoard obscene amounts of stolen wealth.

“The media” hasn’t done anything to Elon Musk except fawn over him and paint him as some kind of benevolent saviour. Just go look at his Twitter and you’ll see that he’s a right wing “Libertarian” who thinks it’s funny to actively exploit workers and destroy their attempts to unionize and organize against his exploitation. He makes clueless references to pop culture to try to seem cool. He supported the fascist Trump and was shouting about “FREEDOM” for people not to wear masks during a global pandemic.

[–] xe8@lemmy.ml 1 points 3 years ago

I would love to see the best comic you’ve seen. Really. Show me.

[–] xe8@lemmy.ml 0 points 3 years ago (1 children)

Not Safe For Brands? I don’t know whether to laugh or cry. Ridiculous.

Does Lemmy have any kind of protection against stuff like vote manipulation from bot accounts?

[–] xe8@lemmy.ml 1 points 3 years ago

I would argue against the Capitalist system being functional. Capitalist propaganda has created a mythology of attributing to itself many accomplishments which should really be attributed to human labour. All of its flaws are cast off as “simple facts of life”.

Much of the foundational technology in communications, the Internet, and medicine were initially developed in government (public ally funded) labs, where profit was never a motive. All capitalism has done is give us thousands of variations of similar technologies, at the expense of countless other technologies - and in the process has forced humans into wage slavery / actual slavery, destroyed our coral reefs, and is heating up and polluting our planet - driving us toward extinction.

Even if we build the perfect solar panel, or do make it to Mars - where sustaining life will be much harder than sustaining life on Earth - that won’t save Earth, and it won’t solve the problem of the endless commodification and exploitation which is the capitalist system.

At some point we need to stop acting like mindless automatons and abandon capitalism, and work toward an actual sustainable system which isn’t hostile to life.

— Posted from my iPhone (which was created by exploited human labour and natural materials, not capitalism)

[–] xe8@lemmy.ml 1 points 3 years ago (4 children)

He’s cringe, and an awful person. I might even hate him more than a purely vile person like Rupert Murdoch - who at least seems like he has some idea of how evil he is.

Money inherited from colonization and slavery. He constantly tries to show how cool he is by doing performative crap like referencing anime, smoking weed, or doing some forced zany eccentric billionaire shit.

Putting solar panels on stuff and desperately trying to colonise Mars won’t save us if workers and the planet are being exploited into annihilation.

Unionize SpaceX.

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