
joined 3 months ago
[–] vfreire85@lemmy.ml 1 points 4 days ago

Is that (homeowner associations with far reaching powers) a thing in the U.S.? I mean, I do consider that the public authorities should press more on issues such as standardizing sidewalks here in Brazil, but here a private association with the power to regulate housekeeping would be outlawed and forcibly closed in the first lawsuit.

[–] vfreire85@lemmy.ml 1 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

ogg vorbis, already mentioned above.

[–] vfreire85@lemmy.ml 5 points 4 weeks ago

i love a country.

[–] vfreire85@lemmy.ml 12 points 1 month ago

Freedom to protest*

*Conditions apply.

[–] vfreire85@lemmy.ml 2 points 1 month ago

work on your self-confidence and self esteem. go check a psychologist.

[–] vfreire85@lemmy.ml 5 points 1 month ago

i'm all for it. let's build concentration camps in the astral plane and lead these untergeister to their second deaths!

[–] vfreire85@lemmy.ml 2 points 1 month ago

undead undead undead

[–] vfreire85@lemmy.ml 2 points 1 month ago

while i love guthrie, that machine only kills fascists if it's shoved up their milled ends.

[–] vfreire85@lemmy.ml 7 points 1 month ago

in addition to my native brazilian portuguese, i'm fluent in english and basic to intermediate level in spanish and french. i can understand and speak roughly some german and russian too (started the courses, but never finished). my objective is to someday learn both german and russian up to intermediate level, and then go for some arabic, mandarin, kongo, nheengatu (an old creole language that mixed tupi-guarani and portuguese) and esperanto.

[–] vfreire85@lemmy.ml 2 points 1 month ago

that's a great testimony.

[–] vfreire85@lemmy.ml 3 points 1 month ago

more or less. my grandparents are already dead, but as far as i remember the last one living of them which i had contact with (my mother's mother) was ok with lgbtq+ people (as far as defending their right to marriage) and quite concerned with the rights of disabled, but was somehow racist towards black and indigenous people, and could not stand demonstrations of social movements (i.e. sit-ins from landless workers and squatters, strikes and the like). my parents go about the same, but my mom is much less racist.

[–] vfreire85@lemmy.ml 1 points 1 month ago (1 children)

in a sense you did, but some people do sweat too much, beyond what would be reasonable given environmental factors. it's called hyperhidrosis and can be treated, and you could even find another underlying condition that may cause it, instead of simply bad regulation of the sweat glands or nerves that control them. go check a doctor, don't suffer for no reason.


I'm in the course of pursuing a change in my career towards software engineering/architecture. So far I've been brought mostly to C#/.NET and Java, though Java attracts me more, even considering that it might be a "dying" language. Still, Scala and Clojure are there, so I thought that they might give a pump at least to JVMs. In your opinion, should I invest in pursuing certifications/jobs in this field, or sticking to C#/.NET is a better path?


New language promises to reduce compilation times by using all threads and gpu cores available on your machine. What's your opinions on it so far?


Right, so this is the situation: I still haven't obtained my license here in Brazil, but I already have a Baofeng DR-1801 HT that can connect to dmr networks. Therefore I haven't transmitted yet. But I'd like to clarify some doubts:

  • When I get my license, even in C-class in Brazil, I will be allowed access to some frequencies in 40-10m bands. Should I get a low power QRP transceiver (e.g. uSDX) or go for an used rig from known brands?
  • It's almost impossible to find a transceiver project with a power rating greater than 10w. What would be the difficulty of, say, copylefting the schematics of an ft-7b?
  • Can I really use a wire thrown over my house (of course, with baluns and stuff) as a monopole antenna or that's just myth?
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