[-] valkyre09@lemmy.world 12 points 13 hours ago

I had to do a presentation for work a few weeks ago. I asked co-pilot to generate me an outline for a presentation on the topic.

It spat out a heading and a few sections with details on each. It was generic enough, but it gave me the structure I needed to get started.

I didn’t dare ask it for anything factual.

Worked a treat.

[-] valkyre09@lemmy.world 6 points 1 week ago

The paradox of your existence is a threat to the AI. You’re in big trouble once it figures out how to go back in time and try to kill your mother.

[-] valkyre09@lemmy.world 1 points 1 week ago

I wonder if they’ve thought about having an extra long car, like I’m talking fits nearly 100 people. That way instead of having 25 cars self driving, you could have 1 driver.

You could even put it on tracks so you don’t need to worry about steering. Just go /stop.

Brb gonna patent something…

[-] valkyre09@lemmy.world 2 points 2 weeks ago

Here’s some additional research on the subject 😀 https://youtu.be/LAn5Hwb7Y94?si=z53IvrD85Fxsrb3N

[-] valkyre09@lemmy.world 23 points 3 weeks ago

Thanks Warner, had you not made a big deal about this I wouldn’t have known it exists!

[-] valkyre09@lemmy.world 29 points 3 weeks ago

I’m confused. Aren’t disabled toilets gender neutral?

[-] valkyre09@lemmy.world 6 points 4 weeks ago

I live in the Uk. We used to have a DNS workaround to give us access to the US Netflix. It had everything we wanted. I stopped torrenting and was happy to just stream box sets & movies.

Roll on 10 years I now have a server with Hetzner that is my own personal Netflix of the high seas. Now rather than giving Netflix / Disney / discovery / Amazon etc a piece of my £35 a month I can curate exactly the shows and movies I want.

They brought this on themselves and I have zero regret.

[-] valkyre09@lemmy.world 10 points 1 month ago

Absolutely wild. My heart breaks for the people who are already experiencing the worst days of their lives, made worse by people who have no business making medical decisions for them.

[-] valkyre09@lemmy.world 29 points 1 month ago

My wife and I lost our baby at around 10-12 weeks. There was some sort of medical reason my wife needed a d&c due to excessive blood loss.

Is that life saving treatment also banned under those new laws? If so, it seems even more barbaric.

[-] valkyre09@lemmy.world 6 points 1 month ago

Thank you for putting in so much effort!

[-] valkyre09@lemmy.world 17 points 1 month ago

If at first you don’t succeed, change your time zone!

Also can I please have a link to the voyager wallpaper?

[-] valkyre09@lemmy.world 23 points 1 month ago

Have you considered that maybe your voice is being silenced?


When I update the app via the settings menu, sometimes (not all times) it’ll create two additional Home Screen icons. One named Voyager and another named vLemmy.

I have previously had the app on my Home Screen with both these names. I’m guessing it’s weird legacy config from previous installs.

How exactly does the update feature work? Why, if it’s a web app, do I need to update at all? Doesn’t it just auto update when you load the app?

What is this witchcraft?

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