[-] unexposedhazard@discuss.tchncs.de 11 points 11 hours ago

Thats the problem tho, the new mozilla leadership is on the "do anything but nothing" ship. I really hope they either dont do anything too horrible or someone forks it if they do.

Ah fuck i just made this joke in a comment, ofcourse i wouldnt be the first.

[-] unexposedhazard@discuss.tchncs.de 14 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

Wanna learn more about the rulings surrounding Trumps 34 charges?

Search for: "Donald Trump Rule 34"

Yeah this is just leftover racism from a time when racism had a reason to exist.

Its purely a 196 thing, but there is plenty of good content coming from this place so you see it a lot. Its not even a rule but anyways. Rule.

[-] unexposedhazard@discuss.tchncs.de 2 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

I mean a tent city like that is probably full of flammable things, so yeah the missiles probably caused the fire. It doesnt matter if it was on purpose or not, lives were taken and they dont give a fuck and that is all you really need to know imo.

Idk where the thing about fire came from, but yeah most explosives dont create fires. The explosions we see in movies are created by blowing up canisters of gasoline or other flammables. Explosive missiles just create a big fucking shockwave, but dont really contain anything that could burn for extended periods of time.

If there is a fire its usually from secondary things like gas pipes, electrical cables or other stuff that ignites easily.

Or ofcourse incendiary ammunition was used but dats an entirely different can of war worms.

Good point, im probably quite naive in that regard simply because i was lucky enough to have found a great and secure job.

Maybe your understanding of "successfull" is twisted. Earning enough to not worry about money is all that you need to be successfull imo. But i guess many are not fortunate enough to have that.

Image Tools > Mirror > Horizontal

Nope, i dont remember the occurence rate tho. Just watch the video if u wanna know more lol

[-] unexposedhazard@discuss.tchncs.de 11 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

Yeah i actually had the same thought while writing the comment, but wanted to commit to the bit.

"hardworking contributors to society" automatically makes me feel yucky. usually the kind of people that uses words like that seriously, are the people profiting the most from capitalism.

From a natural point of view (without humans in the picture), bees are probably better at cooperation than wasps, which would make them better at "society" but im no biologist or philosopher so meh.

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by unexposedhazard@discuss.tchncs.de to c/photography@lemmy.ml

Took this some time ago in northern Spain on the Mediterranean coast. I also really liked the contrast of sunlit to shadowed landscape.


Love me some Portal 2 references <3 Seems to be an old German ambulance that was repurposed.


Saw this cool wall art people were doing in an abandoned house a while ago and never posted it anywhere. So this will be my first lemmy post :)

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