
joined 1 year ago
[–] 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Human names for pets is super normal! My bird’s names are Marty and Theodore. Birds are also definitely smart enough to recognize their name. Yasha looks like a very sweet birdie. 😊

[–] 3 points 1 year ago (3 children)

So smol! What is their name?

[–] 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

No towel! That’s an interesting technique. My African Grey let’s me clip one or two nails if I keep a constant stream of seeds going into his mouth. Usually a full nail trim takes a week. My cockatiel’s nails are so tiny so I towel him and use a dremel on them.


Marty is starting a new oral medication for his hormonal issues. The veterinarian thinks that his unrelenting interest in nesting and other reproductive activities could be a sign of obsessive tendencies. He’s starting on Clomipramine, but I’d like to train him to take medication willingly since he’ll have to take it every day, possibly twice a day.

[–] 96 points 1 year ago (2 children)

I really miss my community there 🥲It feels like breaking up with a shitty boyfriend, but his grandma was really nice to you.


(His foot is purple because he was eating blackberries earlier.)

My African Grey's name is Theodore; Theo for short. He's a very "standard" parrot. Theo is curious and destructive, but afraid of new things and afraid of new people. I'm sure that he'll get better with time. He just needs to see that we won't abandon him again. I know that none of what happened was my fault, but I still feel guilty about it, especially when I get frustrated with him. I have to keep reminding myself that we're both trying to recover.

I can now sleep peacefully at night knowing that there is a cockatiel named Sterling Sterling Sterling. I love it.

[–] 3 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Please tell me that the S. in Sterling S. Sterling is short for Sterling.

The one and only! I left Reddit because I don’t want to supply them with free content and engagement anymore. I dearly miss the parrot community there. I will continue to respond to any direct messages I get with bird questions on Reddit because it doesn’t contribute to Reddit’s product.

[–] 3 points 1 year ago (2 children)

My African Grey was definitely traumatized. He (understandably) developed some separation anxiety. From his perspective, he was alone for 14 hours, in the dark (because the power was out), then there was a big scary noise in the middle of the night and strangers kidnapped him.

Marty’s emotionally unaffected. I took both birds out in their carriers to a pet-friendly shop the other day (trying to teach them that carriers don’t always mean they’re going somewhere bad) and Marty said “Hi Marty” to everything.

[–] 3 points 1 year ago (4 children)

We never got around to it, no. We were preparing to do a trial of Fluoxetine (Prozac), but the compounding pharmacy said that they weren’t able to make a dose small enough to have room to titrate for his tiny little body. Our next plan was to try Clomipramine, but the whole wild fire thing happened. Marty lost his tail and has been absolutely exhausted while re-growing it. He hasn’t been exhibiting as much hormonal behaviour because he’s sleeping so often. Once he’s back to normal, we’ll consider trying Clomipramine.

One of these days I'm going to start an OnlyFeathers for him. It's about time he starts paying rent!

Miss Echolalia is an excellent name for a parrot! What sounds or phrases are her favourite to repeat?


Post your parrots! Post your questions! Let's keep it going!


Post your parrots! Post your questions! Let's keep it going!


How Marty lost his tail:

About a month ago, we were evacuated from our home because of wildfires. I wasn’t home when the evacuation order was given. I wasn’t allowed to go home to get my birds. Police officers kicked my door in around 1:30am that night and retrieved my birds! In the scuffle, Marty’s tail was ripped out.

Here’s my previous post about their rescue, if you’re curious.

It’s a cached Reddit post from web.archive so you aren’t giving Reddit any traffic.


Time for a RASPBERRY PARTY. That’s when you make as large a mess as possible with a single raspberry. If you don’t accidentally vacuum up raspberry remnants without realizing and inadvertently spread raspberry all over the floor, then it wasn’t a real raspberry party.






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