I have been partoking for 45 years. I'm not used to having A choice, let alone this many choices... I feel like I need to go to all of the places and try all of the things! I'd love to hear from any fellow Floridians about their favorite dispensaries etc...

[-] tipicaldik@lemmy.world 1 points 2 weeks ago

you'll get no argument from me... we recently replaced both of our fridges with two identical Whirlpools. They're nice and roomy inside, but you're definitely correct about the inconvenience of having to open both doors most of the time. I picked up on that pretty much right off. It's also taken me a bit to get used to the bottom freezer drawer design.

[-] tipicaldik@lemmy.world 30 points 3 weeks ago

I actually live about 5 miles from that Tesla service center. There is a shit-load of Teslas parked around that place. Last time I drove by it looked like they were running out of room...

[-] tipicaldik@lemmy.world 110 points 3 weeks ago

am I the only one who likes to fantasize about doing something like this? I was 60 years old before I discovered stealth camping was so popular on youtube...

[-] tipicaldik@lemmy.world 29 points 3 weeks ago

yeah it's a holdover from the early days of movies and vaudeville... think Abbot & Costello, Laurel & Hardy, Spanky and Alfalfa, the list goes on and on...

[-] tipicaldik@lemmy.world 17 points 3 weeks ago

We have friends who had an African Grey, and that bird had an insane range of sounds and phrases, etc that she would mimic. Not just repeating words and phrases but impersonating the voice of whomever would say it to her. Like the AOL "You've got mail" voice when she'd hear the modem sounds. If we were smoking weed, the bird was having a coughing fit and dinging a pipe on an ashtray. If we were laughing and talking, the bird was over there laughing it's ass off too. From calling the dogs, to having one-sided phone conversations, to setting off a car alarm whenever anyone would leave, her repertoire was seemingly endless. And then there was the smoke alarm. She liked to pull that one out if she wanted attention, and it would split your eardrums...

[-] tipicaldik@lemmy.world 15 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

I had a love-hate relationship with Sears for a long, long time. We'd always shop around for larger purchases, and quite often Sears would end up getting the sale, and then I'd have to put up with the salesperson bugging me about opening a Sears card and buying an extended warranty, and then being obstinate about taking NO for an answer. Of course, this was back when Craftsman Tools and Kenmore Appliances tended to be better than average. Hell, about 6 months ago we finally replaced a Kenmore refrigerator that we bought in '99. It's currently cooling beer in my bro-in-laws garage. I'm still using Craftsman tools I bought 30+ years ago.

[-] tipicaldik@lemmy.world 54 points 1 month ago

I'm thinking the manufacturer doesn't understand how cats prefer to lay on them.

[-] tipicaldik@lemmy.world 2 points 1 month ago

Yeah this one really stuck in my memories. The art was so cool. Remember Ninjai,the little ninja? That series was soo well done, but unfortunately seems to have disappeared from the internet. I'd love to go back and re-watch them...

[-] tipicaldik@lemmy.world 2 points 1 month ago

I can't remember exactly when, but I've been developing elearning multimedia since 2001, and up until about 2017 we were building everything in Flash, so stuff like this always grabbed me and my co-workers attention. The co-worker who showed me this hasn't worked with us since about 2007 or 8, so before then for sure. He was a younger fellow who practically lived on newgrounds and albinoblacksheep and other such sites...

[-] tipicaldik@lemmy.world 15 points 1 month ago

when I asked this question a long time ago I was told that if you jumped in feet first, when the tanks hit the water they get shoved up into the back of your head pretty hard.

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