
joined 2 months ago
[–] taur10@friendica.opensocial.space 0 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

@mctoasterson I agree with that, however her words carry great weight with Republicans, so this will likely help push more Republicans to vote for Harris

[–] taur10@friendica.opensocial.space 8 points 2 weeks ago (4 children)

@return2ozma This is big news, for sensible Republicans (yeah, I know, oxymoron), she's a big deal, so now things get really interesting me thinks.

@queermunist @chobeat Not sure that's a big deal in this election, that election she was up against a loud mouthed television star that she didn't think anyone would elect, this election, we know what's coming, so you can largely bank on Democrats voting for her.

@deadsuperhero Craigslist for Fediverse?

[–] taur10@friendica.opensocial.space 4 points 1 month ago (1 children)

@return2ozma Marxism, a term used by Republicans when Socialist just isn't scary enough any more

@TrippyFocus Honestly I don't think she helped herself much, basically every ad I saw from her came off like old fashioned mud slinging, and I don't think I saw a single ad that trumpeted her accomplishments.