
joined 1 month ago
[–] 3 points 2 days ago

Yeah I was thinking something similar. The first Game that came into my head was "Gothic" which I have played since forever (since ive been a little kid) and took me forever to beat for the first time. I don't know if I would even start playing it today if I didn't know and love it already. From my perspective today the graphics are outdated and the controls are clunky but it has such a unique heart.

[–] 15 points 3 days ago (3 children)

Worked as a sysadmin for years dealing with all kinds of certificates. Liek others have said if you can't automate the process a paid certificate buys you 12 months at a time in validity. Also wildcard certificates are more difficult to do automated with let's encrypt. If you want EV certificates (where the cert company actually calls you up and verifies you're the company you claim to be) you also need to go the paid route

In my experience trustworthyness of certs is not an issue with LE. I sometimes check websites certs and of I see they're LE I'm more like "Good for them"

[–] 25 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

The kernel was almost named freax

Did you know that kernel releases have codenames?

My favourite being 4.0: "Hurr durr I'ma sheep" because I remember taking part in that poll.

[–] 6 points 1 month ago (2 children)

Sorry I didn't mean to imply that the Nazis aren't racist I definitely know that. For me it's just a different framing between "There are Race riots" (i.e. riots/fights between racial identies) vs fascist/racists rioting because of their racists reasons (and people fighting them in a (self)defense way. I hope I made clear what I meant.

[–] 27 points 1 month ago (7 children)

Less to the point of the article and more to it's wording:

Why the fuck do they call it "race riots" as far as I can tell there are a bunch of rioting fascists and then a broad group of people (refugees, local citizens and Antifa) trying to defend places or stop the riots. This is not a black vs white fight this fight is between fascism and anti-fascism (or at least democracy)

[–] 45 points 1 month ago (2 children)

"Oh pics_free exists let's quickly ban that community before we loose revenue ... I mean because they violated the rules"

[–] 25 points 1 month ago (4 children)

I've been gaming on Linux exclusively since 2016.

DXVK was an amazing improvement. Steam play makes everything so much easier. And the Steamdeck was a revelation.

I don't like to play games with other people anyways so Anti-Cheat is no issue for me.

[–] 11 points 1 month ago

Been ThinkPad User for over 10 years. Edge E135 X220 X260

This year was the first Time in about 16years I bought a non used machine and it was a framework. As much as I adore the good ol ThinkPad the recent developments regarding repairability/statement from Lenovo are turning me off more and more. And my framework makes me happy every time I use it ...

So I don't know.

[–] 21 points 1 month ago (4 children)

Well the OP is the one who made the Post so they obviously have more of an interest in the question/topic/image etc. Imagine someone posts a photo of their dog and a comment asks for what kind of dog it is for example. Then you would give a comment of the OP more credence than some person who knows neither the Dog nor OP and only has a single image to go off.

Same with your post here, if you answer to my comment "that's not what I'm asking" I might be more inclined to amend my statement/make another comment than if any "random" that showed up to a thread saying "that's not what OP was asking".

Tl;dr: OP starts a post and might have the most interest/immediate knowledge of the subject matter. I wouldn't say they "own" the post but they just have another relationship than a passerby commenter.

[–] 3 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Traveling a few minutes into the future to skip a boring conversation with the office that pulled you over

Skips time ... Cuffed on the floor

[–] 10 points 1 month ago

Die CDU führt Grade eine systematische Kampagne gegen das Bürgergeld und fordert die Abschaffung. Ich finde schon wichtig das sachlich zu kritisieren. Sich nur darüber aufzuregen spielt natürlich genau in die Masche rein

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