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The company nearly doubled its emissions in 2023.


A new study highlights the connected nature of the Southern Ocean dynamic system, the research priorities needed to understand its influence on climate change, the importance of cross-disciplinary collaborations.


There is evidence suggesting that ancient Egyptians used moldy bread, specifically containing a type of mold called Penicillium, as an early form of antibiotic.


Join Karyn Sanders for a discussion of wildcrafting, harvesting plants from the wild, from an Indigenous perspective and listen to her invitation to re-think this practice. Originally aired 10.05.2017.


Medicinal plants can play a powerful role in preventive care, as well as providing relief for many common challenges like anxiety, depression, digestive pain, skin inflammation, sleeplessness and more. In this workshop, Finn Oakes, a writer, educator and clinical herbalist, will explain the ways that common herbs can support your mental, emotional and physical well being.


Nearly 40% of the Amazon's vital climate regions are unprotected, raising concerns about deforestation and the urgent need for preservation.


The Coral Triangle, often referred to as the "rainforest of the ocean," is home to over 2,000 species of fish and 600 species of hard coral, making it one of the most biologically diverse regions in the world's oceans. The area’s vibrant marine ecosystems, however, face increasing threats from illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing, climate change, and pollution.


Sufyan Jaber Abed Jawwad, a sanitation worker with the UN agency for Palestinian refugees, was the first Unrwa employee killed in the West Bank in more than a decade.


“We are all culpable,” Matt Nelson said before lighting himself on fire. This is the third such incident in a year.

[–] solo 1 points 1 week ago

This article does use more specific language than "southern hemisphere", so not too sure what you mean. It also includes several links for further reading in relation to this topic.

[–] solo 2 points 1 week ago

Thank you for pointing me towards the right direction, so I found the following link:

Precise, gentle and efficient - The cleanup system has been specially designed and tailored for this purpose. It is four meters deep and designed as a funnel with an opening at the bottom to ensure that fish and other marine life are not trapped when trawling for marine plastic.

[–] solo 1 points 1 week ago

Thank you for pointing that out, this part really does not make any sense. Not to sure what I had in mind, so I thought of making an edit with a strikethrough so that the sentence does make sense.

[–] solo 2 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (2 children)

To be honest, I don't know who's in the right here, ...

The way I see things, it's pretty clear. In the global south are the countries that suffer the most from the economic activities (to say the least) that come from the global north. Giving these badges to the global south NGOs is important as an effort to balance out how underrepresented these part of the world typically are, even tho they are most affected by actions of others ~~,namely the countries that got upset, or companies that come from there~~. Admittedly, I don't expect too much out of this specific climate conference due to the intense lobbying that takes place there. I'd love to be wrong on this one and be pleasantly surprised, for sure.

...but the article definitely feels like it’s taking a side, and the editorialized title makes that bias worse.

I believe it is important to accept that all media is biased, even if they try to portray themselves as neutral or objective (an easy example would be fox's fair and balanced sloggan). So I don't think that bias is a problem by itself, but performing impartiality totally is, and mainstream media do that for several reasons.

Still, I think a journalist or an outlet can be trustworthy, and this relies on their processes. They need to be honest and meticulous in their research (and perhaps something else that I didn't think of right now).

Edit: The strikethrough

[–] solo 2 points 1 week ago (2 children)

This looks like a very interesting project but I'm not sure I understand how the net works so it catches only plastics and not fish. Or are fish caught as well in this process?

[–] solo 1 points 1 week ago

If you have a specific one (or more!) in mind could you please share?

[–] solo 2 points 2 weeks ago

I see what you mean, so I need to make the following clarification.

My statement that you quoted is specific to the context of the anthroposcene topic. Not a general one, for all topics.

[–] solo 3 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

Ok, tbh the understanding I got from rule 3 is that it was more flexible, in the sense that it says "may be removed", not "will be removed", but thank you for taking the time to clarify this.

[–] solo 2 points 2 weeks ago

Archived link of an article from Haaretz:

Israel's General Strike: Who's Working and Who's Not

[–] solo 4 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (8 children)

I understand what you say about the difference of posts and comments.

Reported as a copy/paste of a Mondoweiss article

Not too sure I understand to which rule this report would be based on anyway. And btw Mondoweiss is mentioned at the very top of the article. It's the same author, different outlets. Not a secret.

[–] solo 2 points 2 weeks ago (4 children)

Healthcare cooperatives formed by patients, hiring medical practitioners to take care of them and possibly for outside persons as well.

I wonder how is this going? I have limited knowledge on that sort of efforts but it's a topic that interests me.

I know of some cases of doctors self organising to provide their services. The longevity of the projects Ι have heard of varies. One of them did last for a few years, but I remember the last dentist left told me they got afraid of having their license to practice revoked.

Also in Chiapas the Zapatistas have been doing tremendous work on it. If I remember correctly from last time I checked, they mainly relied on local traditional medicines and had help some conventional doctors. I understand that this example is a totally different to the situation you are describing but I think it is slightly relevant in the broader sense of autonomous health services.

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