OneDrive: the best idea since sliced bread.
This is even funnier when you know that Bob Ross was a drill sergeant before he did The Joy of Painting.
AP also showed some states red or blue with no vote tallies. Notably, at 11pm EST, California turned solid blue immediately on the AP map, surprising no one.
Why not President Red Forman? Dumbass!
Were they female? 'Cause you know, when you get in bed with four bitches...
Like radioactive rubber pants?
The fact that he finds this joke funny says a ton about him. I get the roast comedy angle people bring up here, but I just don't see how anyone could find that line funny.
I mean, I'm a leftist, an anti-racist, and yet there are are some racist jokes I still find funny due to the way they're crafted, even if I don't tell them anymore because some people still take them on the first degree (both racists and non-racists.)
But I just don't see the joke here.
Hey, no making fun of 256-man phalanges, those things can successfully defend against a tank.
It plays a sound that says, and displays a popup which reads: "Please do not press this button again. Thank you."
Check out Gandahar. Anyone who thinks Star Trek has the most messed up time travel plotlines needs to watch this.
I love Bakshi's LotR and Wizards but I think his best movie is American Pop. Not as WTF as Wizards, but it's so epic!
In a recent by-election I voted in, the ballots were 2-3 feet long with 91 candidates on them. This was in Canada, where we only have paper ballots. The majority of the candidates only registered as part of a protest to get the govt. to reconsider other voting methods than FPTP.