[-] scytale@lemm.ee 5 points 20 hours ago

The third movie will cover the second book and Denis will conclude his trilogy there. I hope you watched it on a decent sized TV at least.

[-] scytale@lemm.ee 10 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

For the lowest common denominator social media user, the bar is even lower. As long as everyone else they follow and care about is on the platform, they will happily move. They won’t even care that they will be free from ads and tracking because they never cared in the first place.

[-] scytale@lemm.ee 5 points 2 days ago

Boo. They need to stop trying to make their own proprietary system, it’s not gonna happen.

[-] scytale@lemm.ee 6 points 2 days ago

Mangoes, the tropical kind. Also, grapes.

[-] scytale@lemm.ee 1 points 2 days ago

Sue them as well for not installing basic immobilizers on their vehicles.

[-] scytale@lemm.ee 6 points 2 days ago

One key point that isn't mentioned in the article but is said in the video is that he assaulted one of his employees while wearing a ski mask, and the victim was able to identify him because of his breath.

[-] scytale@lemm.ee 3 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

All those Altimas driving around with paper plates probably don’t have working airbags anyway. And yes, I know the Altima is not in the list.

[-] scytale@lemm.ee 8 points 3 days ago

Lmao I wonder how he reacted to seeing this.

[-] scytale@lemm.ee 36 points 3 days ago

That number wouldn’t have been half a billion if they didn’t have a fucking monopoly on ticket selling and venues.

[-] scytale@lemm.ee 18 points 5 days ago

I'm OOTL, who showed up at the hearing?

[-] scytale@lemm.ee 6 points 5 days ago

A lot of Asian dishes with fish leave the head on.

[-] scytale@lemm.ee 1 points 6 days ago

Lmao let’s see them try to time their farts with Alien Hip Hop.

submitted 1 month ago by scytale@lemm.ee to c/signal@lemmy.ml

Anyone know what's up with the recent beta updates on IOS? I think the last 4-5 updates had no test notes whatsoever.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by scytale@lemm.ee to c/dune@lemmy.world
[RECIPE] Sushi Bake (files.catbox.moe)
submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by scytale@lemm.ee to c/cooking@lemmy.world

Since there was some curiosity about what a sushi-bake is, here's my own recipe for it. Sushi-bake is basically a "deconstructed" sushi roll where the ingredients are layered instead of rolled then baked in the oven. There are different variations of how it's made, so this is my take on it. Apologies if I don't have exact measurements of portions, as I just wing it and base it on the taste.


  • Sushi rice (regular white rice is fine if you don't have sushi rice, but add a bit more water when cooking to make it more moist).

  • Rice vinegar.

  • Any protein of your choice like crabstick, tuna, or salmon; shredded.

  • Fruit/vegetable. Cucumber, mango, avocado, or any other ingredients you'd like to add to your sushi; sliced and cubed.

  • Japanese mayo (i.e. kewpie).

  • Sriracha. In my case, I used a gochujang-based hot sauce with truffle oil.

  • Furikake.

  • Sesame oil (optional).

  • Sugar/sweetener (optional).

  • Mozarella cheese (optional).


  1. Cook sushi rice as directed.

  2. Mix your protein, veggies, and fruit in a bowl with Japanese mayo and sriracha.

  3. Mix the cooked sushi rice with a few tablespoons of rice vinegar and a bit of sugar (optional). I personally don’t put sugar because I find the rice vinegar enough for flavor.

  4. Line a baking pan with foil. You can also do without, I'm just lazy with washing.

  5. Grease the pan with a little sesame oil.

  6. Add a base layer of sushi rice on the baking pan and flatten it thoroughly.

  7. Add a layer of your protein/veggie/fruit mix on top of the rice.

  8. Sprinkle a layer of furikake.

  9. Optional: Since I like to put cheese on everything, add a layer of shredded mozarella.

  10. For aesthetic purposes, draw alternating diagonal lines of mayo and sriracha, and top it off with another sprinkling of furikake.

  11. Bake at 350F for 15-20 minutes.

To eat, slice it into square bites. You can eat it as is with chopsticks or a fork/spoon, or use Nori to scoop it up.


My city's limits covers one county and half of the county north of it. Why don't they just follow the same lines on the map, with either the county following the city, or the city following the county line?

submitted 3 months ago by scytale@lemm.ee to c/dune@lemmy.world

The first advance screening for general audiences was on February 25 in IMAX cinemas. This thread is for people who have seen the film to discuss ahead of the official release on March 1.


Mods, please let me know if this is appropriate and feel free to remove if not.

submitted 4 months ago by scytale@lemm.ee to c/thunder_app@lemmy.world

Does anyone else get logged out when switching between wifi and mobile data? I notice when leaving the house (or coming home) and my phone switches between wifi and data (and vice versa), the app asks me to login again. I have the beta/testflight version.


On a hot day and traveling in a car, which method of keeping the occupants comfortable with the A/C is more energy and fuel efficient?

  • Set the thermostat to a lower temperature and keep fan speed to the lowest setting

  • Set the thermostat to a slightly higher temperature and compensate by setting the fan to a higher speed so you can feel cool enough with the breeze

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by scytale@lemm.ee to c/moviesandtv@lemm.ee

Please use this post to discuss the ongoing season 4 of True Detective. Please reply under the Episode number comment so the discussions are organized.

Mods, please feel free to remove if not allowed.

submitted 4 months ago by scytale@lemm.ee to c/meta@lemm.ee

I’m subscribed to a couple of communities where those bots post regularly. I noticed a drop in content recently and realized I haven’t seen those bots for the past week. I’m trying to figure out where they got blocked and was wondering if our instance blocked them. Anyone have an idea?

submitted 4 months ago by scytale@lemm.ee to c/lemmy_support@lemmy.ml

Did anything happen to those bots over the past week? I’m subscribed to some communities that have them posting stuff regularly. I just noticed a drop in content on my feed yesterday and realized I haven’t seen posts from those bots the past few days.

submitted 5 months ago by scytale@lemm.ee to c/movies@lemmy.world

cross-posted from: https://lemm.ee/post/17771460

submitted 5 months ago by scytale@lemm.ee to c/dune@lemmy.world
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