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[-] 1 points 11 months ago

Update: since there are no volunteers to run it / pay for it, and the general consensus has been to shut the instance down, I've gone ahead and replied to the email letting the Lemmy folks that were generously hosting it for us know that we appreciate it but that they can shut down the instance. Thanks everyone for participating and being a part of this community experiment!

[-] 1 points 11 months ago

I think the general consensus so far is that the instance should shut down, but there have been a few commenters suggesting that they want it to stay. I tend to think people far undervalue the cost of hosting their own services, so to try and make it a bit clearer if someone did want to keep it up I think they'd need to consider the following factors:

  • Multiple people to cover the cost of hosting, this needs to scale with the amount of traffic
  • Multiple volunteers to handle operations, this needs to scale with the amount of traffic
  • Multiple volunteers to handle moderation and accept registrations, this needs to scale with the number of users
  • Someone willing to promote the instance (assuming we want it to grow, this may or may not be the case and it's fine if we want it to just be a small space for a few XMPP projects), this workload will inversely scale with the number of users
  • Some sort of governance and accountability model; this would need to scale with the number of users

Some of this we've gotten away without so far, and some of it can start small and scale to multiple volunteers later if the instance grows, but I really think you need a few people on all of them to prevent burnout and keep the community sustainable. I do think there's harm in just leaving the community around to languish: this makes it a target for spammers if it's poorly moderated, contributes to making the network look large but dead (as opposed to small and growing), and, if it becomes unstable, may create a bad experience for anyone using it when it's down a lot and there aren't volunteers to fix it.

If we have trusted volunteers (or maybe we can find a way to hand over the database dump without giving away anyones personal data, reset passwords and purge profiles or something; this is less important to figure out right this moment and we can figure it out only if/when we go to do the handover) for any of this, I think we can probably hand the reins over to them. If not, we can't keep the community going whether people want to or not :)

[-] 1 points 11 months ago

I'm not sure; same as anything else, I'd imagine: moderation and ops is probably the most time consuming, then if course the fiscal cost of the server and image hosting

[-] 1 points 11 months ago

That requires us to find someone to take over hosting and maintenance, which is what the post was about.

[-] 1 points 11 months ago

That's what this post is about; if someone wants to keep it, we can, but it does cost a lot to run services like this (financially, in moderation hours, in operations, in security, etc.) and a lot of people would have to take that cost on. Given that there hasn't been much engagement at all on this server, I suspect we don't have anyone who wants to keep it running.

[-] 3 points 11 months ago

My personal opinion is that the results of the experiment are that Lemmy is not a good platform for community building. I'm glad we gave it a shot, but I probably won't be using it anymore either way for a few reasons:

  • The moderation just isn't very good (we still have Nazi imagery and accounts on the server from the early spam wave with no way to purge them, though they are blocked and can't post anymore but the images and what not are still being served as far as I can tell)
  • The UI is generally confusing and hard to use, things aren't logically grouped, etc.
  • The federation capabilities don't seem to actually be very good (I'm sure this will improve, but there's other software out there that's good already so if we wanted to try this again I think we should use something else instead)
  • Generally buggy/over-javascripty UI
  • Generally hard to follow new content on Lemmy: it tries to imitate reddit too much I think so stuff that's "Hot", whatever that means, get surfaced but you have to constantly switch over to a non-algorithmic timeline if you just want to see what you've missed

I'd still like to find a way to build community between XMPP projects, but I've started to think it may be better if projects interact with other existing instances more that aren't focused on XMPP, this spreads the message a bit better. I forget who made this argument early on, so apologies for not letting you know directly, but I think the experiment has brought me around to this way of thinking as well. I will follow up after we decide what to do with a list of possible places that it might be good for XMPP projects to join if I can remember to put it together.


Hi all,

It's been over a year and the folks hosting the XMPP Lemmy experiment at have asked us to start transitioning it to our own hosting.

I'm writing to see what the community would like to do, or if anyone wants to take over hosting? The instance was never very widely used, so I think we can probably shut it down safely as well without too much loss.

What do you think?

[-] 2 points 1 year ago

Weirdly, my dog does this. The first time I planted potatoes I hadn't checked them yet and one night my dog came back from going outside and dropped a potato in my lap. The next day he did it again and I went out to the garden and found two holes where he'd been digging them up.

[-] 2 points 1 year ago

If you're in the U.S. you may even be able to get a free (or at a substantial discount) commercial heat exchanger later this year: Not quite as fun as the DIY version though!

submitted 2 years ago by to c/diy

Someone at work was throwing away an old hitch mount bike rack a while back. I hated to see it go to waste, so I built a "hitch" for the wall of my garage:

a hitch mount bike rack mounted to the wall

the same bike rack with two bikes on it

Bicycles chat room (
submitted 2 years ago by to c/

Do you like #bicycles or #cycling? Do you also use an #xmpp compatible chat service? Join our new group chat at Hopefully this can become a fun community space to share pictures, post routes, and generally chat about bicycles.

Join us!

Bicycles group chat! (
submitted 2 years ago by to c/

cross-posted from:

Do you like #bicycles or #cycling? Do you also use an #xmpp compatible chat service? Join our new group chat at Hopefully this can become a fun community space to share pictures, post routes, and generally chat about bicycles.

Join us!

Bicycles group chat! (

Do you like #bicycles or #cycling? Do you also use an #xmpp compatible chat service? Join our new group chat at Hopefully this can become a fun community space to share pictures, post routes, and generally chat about bicycles.

Join us!

submitted 2 years ago by to c/

cross-posted from:

For the last few years we've accepted patches on both GitHub and Sourcehut and used Sourcehut for our CI system. We have tried to move entirely to Sourcehut in the past but it ended up not meeting our needs, and we've tried starting our own co-op code hosting, but were not able to find many cooperators who wanted to help (if you'd like to join us and cooperatively host a Gitea instance, reach out!). We have been experimenting with mirroring a few of the main repos on Codeberg and using their experimental CI feature, and this has been going much smoother and has been much simpler than the current SourceHut integration.

With all this in mind, we've decided that the time is right to move to Codeberg.

For the time being we will continue to accept pull requests for the main project and a few of the support libraries over on GitHub, and we will keep the main projects CI running on Sourcehut as well as on the new Codeberg CI so that both Codeberg and GitHub based PRs can show the status. However, smaller support libraries that do not receive contributions often will be moved entirely to Codeberg and PRs on GitHub will be automatically closed.

Eventually, once we are certain everything is working smoothly, the old GitHub repos will be retired and become mirrors on which we do not accept contributions and all Sourcehut repos will be deleted. There is no timeline for this currently. If you would like to keep track of the timeline once we have one, or submit comments or suggestions you can track the issue

Some repos are still being moved, but the main project is now on Codeberg and ready to accept contributions. To track the overall migration, see

Thanks for your continued support and contributions!

[-] 1 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago)

Oh nifty, I do this when backpacking to keep rice, noodles, or whatever grains and cereals I'm carrying dry, but it never occurred to me that folks might do it at home too! What bottles work/look the best I wonder? On the trail I always used Gatorade bottles because they're a bit thicker walled.

ejabberd 22.05 (

A new initiative from the folks at creates a fediverse compatible hosting solution that eventually aims to integrate with XMPP!

[-] 1 points 2 years ago

If you have some technical ability and are on Android I'd setup sshd on the phone (there are various apps to do this easily) and use rsync(1) or scp(1).

If you want something less technical, I use the Conversations app on my phone and Dino on my desktop for chat and sometimes send files to myself. Not ideal, but it does work pretty well for one-off smaller files.

[-] 0 points 2 years ago

oh drat, doesn't look like their federation support actually lets you subscribe to groups in other lemmy instances yet? Oh well, soon I hope!

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joined 2 years ago