
joined 1 year ago

We are currently on holiday in Southern France and in the Auvergne. Aside from the bigger cities we have visited several little villages and towns that were supposed to be beautiful or special places ("Les plus belles villes de France" and others). I was hoping to find villages filled with life, street cafés, shops, restaurants and such. But most of the towns seem to be completed lifeless. Restaurants and shops are boarded up and closed, doors locked, not even people on the streets (just one or two people walking their dogs). What happened to France? Where is the street life? Where are the old men playing boule in the places? Did we miss anything?

[–] rickgr@feddit.de 0 points 1 year ago (1 children)

What I love about Grocy is that it works with NFC tags. Once the chores are setup initially all it takes is to scan the tag and it gets marked done. I added a notification that's read aloud on the speakers in the house for positive reinforcement

[–] rickgr@feddit.de 3 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Da gebe ich dir Recht. Eine offene Natursteinmauer bietet einen riesigen Lebensraum. Wir haben letztes Jahr eine ganze Reihe Wackersteine aus unserer Einfahrt rausgenommen und wussten nicht so ganz, was wir damit anstellen sollen. Also kamen die erstmal auf einen Haufen neben dem Gartenhaus. Mittlerweile leben dort schon viele Insekten, Käfer, und anderes Kriechtier. Jemand hat wohl auch schon einen Salamander beim Sonnenbaden gesichtet

[–] rickgr@feddit.de 1 points 1 year ago

I have several Nest Mini's around the house, so OK Google is ours