
joined 2 years ago

Edited Update: Several of the country's biggest universities' student governments have also been calling for the suspension of classes in protest of the Marcos-Duterte presidency:

Many of them are organizing to protest at the Commission of Election headquarters in Manila. Not sharing photos, some protesters unmasked.


The Canadian whistle-blower says Strategic Communication Laboratories, Cambridge Analytica’s parent company, found the Philippines an ideal target and used proxies here

Questionable rule of law, high social media usage, and corrupt politicians. These 3 conditions, according to Cambridge Analytica (CA) whistle-blower Christopher Wylie, made countries like the Philippines a perfect place to test their techniques and technology.

“It creates an ideal petri dish type situation,” Wylie added, “where you can experiment on tactics and techniques that you wouldn’t be able to as easily in the West…and if it doesn’t work, it doesn’t matter, you won’t get caught. And if it does work, then you can then figure out how to port that into other countries."


Trying to get into a show that's only on YouTube or some niche streaming service is hell.

I know that, if you have an account that paid for member, you can use your info/cookies to download the vids using JDownloader or yt-dl, but again - not paying for that shite.