
joined 1 year ago

That's Frodo Baggins on the verge of death thou fool!

[–] 28 points 2 days ago (13 children)

Without some kind of authority, how can those rules be enforced?

Makes sense, because I've never seen a SEM image like that... I thought it could've been an older model

[–] 3 points 3 days ago (2 children)

The scale shows it being 20 microns in width, so it's still pretty big, relative to individual atoms. A micron is 10^-6 meters while the width of a hydrogen atom is about 10^-10 meters.

Parliamentary systems at least choose parties, not people. This means that the most popular party, not person, will have a greater share of power. It's harder, but not impossible (looking at you, Geert Wilders), to get a Trump.

Somehow? Perhaps because the state (or anyone, for that matter) shouldn't get to decide who lives or dies.

I'm actually quite partial to a Dingleberry every once in a while.

[–] 8 points 6 days ago (1 children)

The same thing you wear when its 75 F? Idk man, they're just numbers. You can project whatever you want onto them.

Plus, 100 km/h is also pretty fast.

Yes, you can damage pretty much anything with enough energy. It's hard to fit high-power lasers on small flight-capable platforms, so ground-based units are more likely. You can blind UAV systems' sensors with IR lasers at relatively low power, too. However, this is easily countered by software. Reflective coatings and retroreflective foils are possible countermeasures to laser attacks, but even these have damage thresholds.

IR lasers and masers have the advantage of being eye-safe, meaning their light won't get bent by your eyes' lenses and can't damage your retinas, due to their wavelength. With enough power, however, you can still burn human flesh.

[–] 8 points 1 week ago (3 children)

Username checks out


Ich habe mich lange darüber gefreut, dass alle meine Pflanzen weiblich sind, doch dann habe ich diese Beulen gesehen...

Was meint ihr?


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I like that their implant is simply laid on top of the brain, instead of driving electrodes into brain tissue like Neuralink. I'd like to keep my brain unscarred.

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