
joined 2 years ago
[–] perestroika 4 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

Unfortunately I don't know.

To correlate the effect with social processes, one would have to plot the same graph for multiple countries and see what processes occur in each history at the time of the lines forking apart (assuming they do so).

Some guesses: automation, perhaps globalization of supply chains, something related to the effectiveness of employees at bargaining with employers?

[–] perestroika 2 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

Thanks for sharing. :)

I wonder if one could "catch" any gamma photons from a thunderstorm on ground level, with a scintillator and silicon photomultiplier, or is the sensitivity of small DIY devices far too low?

It's interesting to note that they found new internal dynamics in the process that they can't explain for now.

One type is incredibly short, less than a thousandth of a second, while the other is a sequence of about 10 individual bursts that repeat over the course of about a tenth of a second.

"Those two new forms of gamma radiation are what I find most interesting," Cummer said. "They don't seem to be associated with developing lightning flashes. They emerge spontaneously somehow.

[–] perestroika 5 points 2 months ago
[–] perestroika 7 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (2 children)

Regarding c/offgrid - I would be willing to moderate it, since it's a topic "close to home" for me (I'm off grid too).

But at the current moment, I'm not terribly active on Lemmy, I only log in once per day. It seems like a low-volume community, so I imagine that a moderator checking things once per day might be OK...

[–] perestroika 4 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

Looking at the beatiful show, I cannot avoid thinking: "each of them a potential weapon".

So in fair weather, when communication is smooth and all navigation systems are working, it's entirely feasible to coordinate a swarm of 10 000. Wow. :)

Soon enough, they will be coordinating each other in the presence of electronic warfare, and swarms of 100+ fly already, so 1000 is the next step. Anyone doing air defense is probably designing energy weapons (lasers, masers, etc) at a pace approaching madness, besides making ever-cheaper drones.

As for the environmental footprint - if each drone withstands 10 performances, they will probably save resources. :)

[–] perestroika 3 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

On individual scale, precisely that - a split type AC with one half indoors (or in a water tank) and the other half in an outdoor environement (air, water or ground).

If you're extracting heat from the environment, the machine lets the working fluid evaporate into the outdoor heat exchanger and compresses it back into the indoor heat exchanger. If you're cooling your premises - reverse that.

However, on a city scale, it's like "you've got a lot of sewage at 30 C" -> "your heat pump is a large building" -> "your sewage outflow is now at 10 C, but your underground heat reservoir gets charged to 140 C (stays liquid because of water column pressure), and you spend much less energy pumping the heat than you would spend heating the water directly".

[–] perestroika 8 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

I have had many encounters with cops, and I decide about the extent of cooperating with them on a case-by-case basis.

  • landlord is illegally evicting my mother's neighbour --> I call cops and they prove how useless they are at prevention, but the matter goes to court and the landlord gets convicted later, and it was my only time to testify in court
  • cops accuse me of ignoring their lawful order --> sorry, I was listening to music, didn't hear nothing, no comment, no comment, I admit nothing (nothing came of it)
  • cops intrude into the squat yard without knowing it's a squat --> "the ~~droids~~ drunken people you look for are elsewhere" --> the cops go elsewhere
  • cops raid the squat --> refuse to provide documents until threatened, require cops to provide their own ID, contest every statement and discuss the matter publicly in media
  • cops try to steal equipment during a demonstration --> pull the equipment back and yell to them a description of what it is (I assume they thought I was planting a bomb instead of packing up)
  • cops want to interview me about illegal demonstrations --> I politely tell them to fuck off, then call back and volunteer for the interview to convey the opinion of other anarchists :D
  • a new squat is being established --> establish a security perimeter that is watched with attention and never let cops close
  • an attempted squat gets burglarized and set on fire -> inform the fire brigade that a bottle of propane could be present (fortunately it was stolen), the fire brigade had better things to do than involve cops
  • a new squat gets burglarized --> pepper spray the burglar and take their tools, without involving cops
  • a new squat gets burglarized, episode N --> threaten the burglars and take their tools, without involving cops
  • cops try to fall into a hole in ground during a stupid training excercise --> tell the cops not to go there, as they might fall in (leave untold: it would be a major embarrasment for squatters to rescue them)
  • the squat is suddenly in the security perimeter of a NATO summit --> find some military lurking in the yard and invite them into the squat so they could be reasonably certain we don't have anything that shoots down planes :P (runway was about 250 m away)
  • a drunken person tries to SWAT me at a street party --> fully explain the situation to the SWAT team and later participate in amateur theatre with cops to get the drunken person safely removed from the police station :o
  • one drunken neighbour hits their spouse and when I forbid, hits me --> seeing that the neigbour has already paid for his deed since pepper was 100% effective and he'll feel extremely bad for many hours, I did not file a complaint to cops, although they were called and showed up
  • after two geniuses tried to steal my car, but fled after a warning shot --> I did not involve cops
  • after some person attacked his partner and hit her on street --> I pepper sprayed him, and since he took out a knife and attempted to come at me (I evaded, no harm occurred to me), I did call cops and make a complaint, as did the woman he had hit
  • cops call me about one neigbour's car --> I don't remember anything (I did actually remember, but wasn't in a mood for helping them repress a neighbour)
  • my car gets burglarized --> I ask the cops for info, they have none, I don't involve them beyond that


[–] perestroika 4 points 2 months ago

P.S. I have once used DC to power a pump "directly". I use quotation marks because the pump (a water pump) was a brushless DC motor with an integrated controller. I used it on a field for removing water after a spring flood. Its controller accepted 24..48 V input, and it was powered from a 40 V solar panel brought on a wheelbarrow. :)

[–] perestroika 6 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (1 children)

instead of powering the heat pump from the wall, the heat pump can be connected directly to a PV

I have no experience with this exact combination. I know that "batteryless" inverters exist, but most of them are on-grid inverters. In that scenario, all that matters is monitoring your production: if you don't want grid energy, you only run your system when your PV produces enough.

Another type of batteryless inverters are "pump inverters". Farmers seem to like them for pumping water from wells into water towers. A pump inverter can be configured to run at 50 Hz (or 60 Hz for North Americans) and 230..240 V (or 110 V for North Americans) alright, but it is not designed to power electronic devices, but dumb agricultural motors. There is considerable risk involved with powering a heat pump from a pump inverter, unless you find an exceptionally simple and dumb heat pump with very limited or resilient steering electronics.

Efficiency losses are small anyway, but mostly happen during battery storage or when voltage needs to rise or drop considerably (e.g. a transition of 700 -> 24 V or 24 -> 240 V would cause a small efficiency loss).

I’ve heard that a PV can directly power a compressor

This seems unlikely as the compressor would have to be a brushed DC motor. That kind of motors don't last long, they wear out their brushes. Long-lasting motors are brushless, and those generally cannot be run on DC power. For example, a "brushless DC" motor is essentially a three-phased AC motor, just its controller (full of smartness and MOSFET transistors) accepts DC input.

If you have a good technical overview of your heat pump system, maybe you can locate a point where regulated DC can be fed into the system, but that would be hacking. Alternatively, maybe a niche market already exists for DC-powered heat pumps, e.g. for caravans, trucks or ships? But on niche markets, prices typically aren't good for you. :(

[–] perestroika 1 points 3 months ago

Mulje: arutelu oli huvitav, kuid aega oli selleks liiga vähe. Kohal oli mitukümmend inimest, kellest osad kirjutavad ministeeriumile enne kooskõlastusringi tähtaja lõppu.

Kohal oli siseminister Läänemetsa nõunik, kes veidi ümarat juttu ajas, kuid ilmselt ka kõrvad lahti hoidis.

Eks vaatame, mida sealt tuleb. Kui tuleb mingi halva maiguga eelnõu, siis peab lipud ja loosungid kolikambrist välja otsima.

[–] perestroika 4 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Relays: my use for truck relays is switching on heaters in my thermal storage water tank. Not big ones, though - I use relays rated for 24V and 40A of current. Since they are old, I have applied a safety margin and only let 25 A flow through them, so each of them handles 24 x 25 = 600 W.

As for using DC appliances: benefits do exist. If a household has a low voltage DC battery bank (some do, some don't) then dropping the battery voltage a few times to power car parts comes with a smaller efficiency loss. In my household, DC appliances are used for lighting, communications, computing, cooling food, pumping water and soldering electronics. The rest goes via AC. I think a car air conditioner could cool some small storage room decently. With big living rooms, it would have difficulty since it's a small device.

[–] perestroika 2 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

it would (as far as i understand with high school chemistry) be strictly more efficient to electrolyse rust directly

I'm not a chemist either, but I do know a bit of chemistry.

Typically, you need a solution of NaOH (sodium hydroxide) to directly reduce iron oxide in an electrolysis cell. If your iron oxide contains impurities, those may react with NaOH and ruin the fun. Also, if you have exposure to CO2, your NaOH will gradually degrade, producing NaHCO3 and losing potency.

My impression: wet electrolysis is great for making high purity iron, but it would be hard to make it work for energy storage.


To summarize: people have known that cows' methane production can be reduced with an appropriate diet for quite some years. There has been a fair bit of searching for what that diet could be - tropical algae from high seas may produce the right outcome but aren't readily available where the cows graze.

It is nice to learn that daffodils also do the trick, and reduce methane production by "at least 30%" (a cautious estimate, some results using artificial cow stomachs have given a reduction of 96%).


Kokkuvõte: Eesti siseministeeriumis läks keegi puhta lolliks. Euroopa Liidus ei võetud vedu ja lollus ei teostu, aga on ilmekas näide, et puudub ametkond mis üritaks iga võimalusega võimu ära anda - küll aga on ametkonnad, mis üritavad igal võimalusel võimu juurde krabada. Nii ei pääse eriti kaugele.

"Paljud riigid ei toetanud Eesti ettepanekut ja kompromissina lepiti kokku, et tegeletakse esialgu uuringutega. Eesti ettepaneku jõustumise korral tähendaks see kodanikele kohustust ennast igal bussi-, rongi-, või laevasõidul identifitseerida. Kui ID-kaarti kaasas pole, siis Võhmast Viljandisse enam ei saa sellisel moel nagu me täna oleme harjunud ühistranspordiga liiklema," ütles Uibo veel.


Summary: water + copper particles + room-temperature liquid metal (consisting of indium and gallium) = highly conductive gel with interesting properties.

Drying it slowly to evaporate the water allows simply getting conductive traces. Drying it fast allows printing objects that transform their shape when heated.

Commentary from me: indium and gallium are expensive metals. This is promising stuff, but not promising enough to go replicating at once. For most use cases, cables, soldering and PCBs are still the better option.


Eesti Panga kokkuvõte hiljutisest inflatsioonipuhangust: kuna vesi oli sogane ja mitmed firmad sunnitud hindu tõstma, läksid osad ahneks ja tõstsid hindu, et saada rohkem kasumit.

Osa kiirest hinnatõusust tulenebki tõenäoliselt sellest, et tarbijatel ei ole sama head informatsiooni kui ettevõtetel, ning seda tühimikku tuleks täita usaldusväärse ja avalikkusele tasuta pakutava analüüsiga.

Me ei peaks häbenema küsida, miks ühe või teise toote hind on nii palju kasvanud, leppides lihtsalt selgitusega, et hinnad kasvavad, sest kõik teised tõstavad ka hindu," lõpetas ökonomist.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by perestroika to c/perestroika_pw

The Guardian kirjutab Prantsusmaal toimuvast.

Nüüdseks on suur majanduslik kahju ning sadu vahistamisi toimunud. Protestimine käib tüüpilises Prantsusmaa stiilis, korraliku märuliga. Kui küsitleda, ütlevad need kes nõustuvad rääkima, et ei näe vabadust, võrdsust ja vendlust, mis riigi sildil seisab, igapäeva elus kuskil. Kõva kärsaga menti - seda näeb küll. (Politseinikud ütlevad omakorda, et kellegi mahalaskmine oli aja küsimus, et äärelinnas neid rünnatakse sageli ja pinged on kõrged.)

Ühesõnaga pahasti on, normaalselt elamine ei taha õnnestuda. :( Loodaks, et vägivald vaibub ja tekib sisulisem arutelu, et miks riik osadele elanikele tömbi sunnimehhanismina paistab.


Head peagi saabuvat päikeseenergia maksimaalse toodangu päeva. :)

Proovime mitte sel päeval veerandit maad maha põletada, eks ole?

Kaine autojuhi tradtsiooni lisaks kulub ära kaine lõkkevahi amet - too, kes märkab varakult, ning kustutab võimalikud ohtlikud arengud siis, kui oma jõud on selleks veel piisav. :)


Lühikokkuvõte: suuremate protestivate redditite modesid ähvardatakse taandamisega, kui nad oma subredditeid uuesti lahti ei tee.

Osad on järele andnud, näiteks r/pics on avatud... aga sinna tohib postitada ainult seksikaid pilte John Oliverist.

Ehk siis, ähvardustele saab järele anda ka loomingulistel viisidel, mis tagavad, et streik ja suletud olek jätkub.

See, kuidas ~~administratsioon~~ kuningad edaspidi eskaleerivad vaidlust, määrab kas ma Redditis edasi luusin või mitte. :)


Lõunanaabritel on tüli, mis puudutab võimu ja meediat. Esialgu ei oska öelda, mis järgneb, aga riiklik elektroonilise meedia nõukogu on neil asju väga jõuliselt reguleerima hakanud. Sedavõrd jõuliselt, et ajakirjanikud näevad oma tööd ohustatuna.

Seaduslikku kaalu ajakirjanike pöördumisel pole - poliitikud võivad kirja eirata - aga ühiskonnas arutelu tekitab see kindlasti.

Läti meediaväljaanded nõudsid ühises kaebekirjas Läti riikliku elektroonilise meedia nõukogu (NEPLP) praeguse koosseisu laialisaatmist, kirjutas Läti rahvusringhääling LSM. Kirja tekstis süüdistatakse NEPLP-i sõltumatu meedia töösse süstemaatilises sekkumises. Elektroonilise meedia nõukogu on kirja saatnute sõnul Läti ühiskonna ja meedia huvidega vastuolus.


Läti meedia ühispöördumisele kirjutasid alla Läti Jätkusuutlikkuse Fond (Ilgtspējas fonds), Balti meediapädevuse oivakeskus, Läti Ajakirjanike Liit, Läti Ajakirjanike Ühing, Läti Reklaamiühing ning organisatsioon Legaalse Sisu Jaoks (Par legālu saturu) ning Läti Regionaalse Meedia Ühing.

Sissejuhatus / introduction (self.perestroika_pw)

Tere kolleegid. Kuna pole teada, mis Redditis juhtuma hakkab, oli vaja plaani B. Juhtumisi sattus ette plaan C - ning siin me oleme. Leidsin võrgustiku nimega "Lemmy", mis on osa Fediverse'ist ja teatud määral ühilduv Mastodoniga (mul on seal kah konto, serveril "" on kasutaja "perestroika-pw"). Järgmisena leidsin serveri nimega "", kus juba oli kogunemas sarnaselt mõtlevaid inimesi. :) Juhtumisi läks siin kõik palju kiiremini ja lihtsamalt, ning hakkas meeldima. :)

Hello, colleagues. Since I don't know how things will be on Reddit, I felt the need for a plan B. Accidentally I stumbled on plan C - and here we are. I found a network named "Lemmy", part of Fediverse and (to some extent) compatible with Mastodon (I have an account there too, on the server "" you'll find a user named "perestroika-pw"). Next I found a server named "" where like-minded people were already present. :) Coincidentally, everything went really smoothly here and I started to like it. :)

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