
joined 2 years ago
[–] meyotch 13 points 23 hours ago

She’s alive in Cuba, just holding on! Her biography is a wild ride. What a family to be raised in.

[–] meyotch 5 points 1 day ago (1 children)

You mean, a nuclear war?

[–] meyotch 20 points 2 days ago (3 children)

Does he have any money? I want to spend all his money at the gay bar, gay bar, gay bar.

[–] meyotch 8 points 4 days ago (1 children)

And what is wrong with quick access to an NP who is clearly supervised by doctors? They get significant training and often have extensive experience in healthcare before they took the NP.

[–] meyotch 4 points 4 days ago

Because the pouring spout is to the right. Tip it, you’ll see. It works better if you are staring closely at the spout from below when you do so.

[–] meyotch 3 points 4 days ago

Peter Funke? The famous anal-rapist?

[–] meyotch 4 points 4 days ago (1 children)

It also has high gravity that promotes separation by density and a hot turbulent core that messes that up. So an equilibrium of opposing forces keeps it mixed but not homogeneous.

It’s such a beautiful planet, isn’t it?

[–] meyotch 2 points 5 days ago (4 children)

I don’t follow. Why would it ever become homogeneous?

[–] meyotch 2 points 5 days ago (3 children)

So you admit to just making up your stance then and prioritizing your vague feeling as some sort of evidence?

What a garbage take.

[–] meyotch 8 points 6 days ago

I think you could get a five episode miniseries with an epic arc where Ronald, God of Fire takes humanoid form and finally accepts his sexuality.

[–] meyotch 9 points 1 week ago

Right, it’s not just the poor lobby that cares about snap. The farmers rely on it a a form of price support. Large landowners have better lobbyists than the poors.

[–] meyotch 24 points 1 week ago (5 children)

I will die on this hill.

All chaps are assless.

If chaps had an ass, they would be pants.

Thank you for hearing me out.

The pearl clutching is strong with this one. As usual, they gloss over the fact that health insurance profits are determined by the denial rate. The author conflates necessary rationing of care in any system with the clear incentive of for-profit insurance to deny care. Such cupidity.

I would love to hear perspectives on the relative strengths and shortcomings of this study.

While the solarpunk in me loves the conclusion because it supports my deepest values, it is also a very strong claim, thus requiring strong scrutiny.

I believe this fits in politics, because, if true, this conclusion must still become politically accepted to be realized.

Article highlights:

As ecological breakdown looms, the basic material needs of billions remain unmet. We estimate the minimal energy for providing decent living globally & universally. Despite population growth, 2050 global energy use could be reduced to 1960 levels. This requires advanced technologies & reductions in demand to sufficiency levels. But ‘sufficiency’ is far more materially generous than many opponents often assume.

A trenchant analysis of the reactions appearing across the political spectra. Written from an anti-capitalist perspective.


cross-posted from:

I just had a thought about my practice. I realize that being such a aficionado of yoga may conflict with my usual stance that is very ‘hard’ scientific and definitely materialistic.

Maybe that’s what I love about yoga. It is a very solid framework that can be approached from so many different angles.

For instance, for many years, I would just kind of tune out when instructors would talk about the subtle body. However, over the years as my awareness has grown, I realize that they are talking about a real thing.

It is not that there is an actual physical, subtle body, but as your awareness grows of your own body, your own perception of your body changes significantly with practice. You learn to experience what was always there, it iust didn’t make it through the perceptual filters we all have.

I have started to think of the loosey goosey aspects of yoga as ‘woo woo that works’. The benefits are real and measurable (observation), but the mechanisms are too complex for us to fully understand yet. Yoga is a theoretical framework that clearly can bring those benefits, but the language is often metaphorical and poetic.

This is how I remind myself of the limitations of science and leave myself open to deeper understanding. Being anything at all is a rather strange experience, isn’t it.

I would love to hear different perspectives from practitioners who subscribe generally to a scientific world view.

How do you find balance between hard empiricism and the sometimes ‘sponge-y’ language of of yoga?

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by meyotch to c/

I loved the policy post. We need that discussion.

We also need clear messaging. I mean, the recent unpleasantness of the election should have taught us all that having acceptable policy proposals doesn't matter unless the messaging is solid too.

You can surely see from my recent posts and comments what I favor.

I want to tap into the righteous anger we can suddenly talk about during this news cycle. Our message crosses political divides and the many false divisions we are burdened with.

So let's talk messaging strategy. Otherwise, our policy discussion will be as ineffective as most progressive efforts to date. We need to learn the hard lesson the right has taught us and use emotion effectively.

I will come right out and say that leading in our messaging with policy proposals is a losing proposition. It doesn't work. The hardest thing for a wonk to realize is that most people aren't emotionally moved by marginal tax rate discussions, even though that is an extremely effective policy tool to limit the power of the rich.

So we need parallel efforts here:

  • Get a simple clear message that appeals to widely-felt emotions.
  • Identify policies that shit on the rich by limiting their power. (See

Are we wanking online here, or are we starting something?


I just had a thought about my practice. I realize that being such a aficionado of yoga may conflict with my usual stance that is very ‘hard’ scientific and definitely materialistic.

Maybe that’s what I love about yoga. It is a very solid framework that can be approached from so many different angles.

For instance, for many years, I would just kind of tune out when instructors would talk about the subtle body. However, over the years as my awareness has grown, I realize that they are talking about a real thing.

It is not that there is an actual physical, subtle body, but as your awareness grows of your own body, your own perception of your body changes significantly with practice. You learn to experience what was always there, it iust didn’t make it through the perceptual filters we all have.

I have started to think of the loosey goosey aspects of yoga as ‘woo woo that works’. The benefits are real and measurable (observation), but the mechanisms are too complex for us to fully understand yet. Yoga is a theoretical framework that clearly can bring those benefits, but the language is often metaphorical and poetic.

This is how I remind myself of the limitations of science and leave myself open to deeper understanding. Being anything at all is a rather strange experience, isn’t it.

I would love to hear different perspectives from practitioners who subscribe generally to a scientific world view.

How do you find balance between hard empiricism and the sometimes ‘sponge-y’ language of of yoga?


Seeking a bit of crowd wisdom here, as the topic may be of general interest.

What are the best methods to promote a new community on this instance? What behavior crosses the line? What practices seem to work best to grow a new community?

Thanks for any insights.

Open invitation. (self.Yoga)
submitted 1 month ago by meyotch to c/Yoga

Hi, I would like to hear from anyone who finds this community potentially interesting. Do we have enough interest in the topic of yoga to sustain a community?

Perhaps we could share a bit about our individual yoga practices and perhaps what we each might like from an online community?

I grew up in a redneck meshuggeneh quiet mountain town in the Rockies. At about the age of 14, I learned about yoga from a blurb in an old Readers Digest of all places. In retrospect it was quite an accurate depiction, much like you’d find in a textbook. I went to the community college library and devoured what books they had on yoga, and tangentially Ghandian political philosophy.

My unguided and solitary attempts at a physical practice didn’t last long. There was no community to practice with at the time in my whitebread universe. Over the years I have been drawn back to physical practice as circumstances have evolved.

I’m at a point where my practice has become central to my life. There’s no turning back now. As a deeply shallow man, I relish the physique and stamina I receive from my practice, but my appreciation for the mental and emotional benefits has deepened significantly in recent years.

I would like to focus on experiencing the social benefits of a yoga community, something that has largely eluded me so far. That’s on me, I am a stubbornly independent person with deep personal drives. So starting this community is part of a multi-pronged effort to ‘socialize my practice’.

My goal is to complete a 200 hour teacher training in 2025 as one of the real life efforts I am making toward the goal of deepening the community aspects of my practice.


This is US focused but the principle of being involved in local issues is universal to all democracies.

Can I rant for a minute?

Why does every thread about voting devolve into bitching about the flaws of the Electoral College?

Fun fact: the Electoral College only pertains to the Presidency and there’s almost nothing you can do about that directly.

Think local, that’s where you can make a difference. Your local school board has the power to either support students or drive them to suicide. Local races frequently turn on a handful of votes.

So go ahead, sit out the election because the choices for president stink. I humbly submit that your superior moral stance may not be based on very firm principles. That trans kid down the block didn’t need your help anyway. /s


Aside from the fact it was a zoom meeting of almost 100 people mostly over 60, it was alright.

I should edit my title: What sort of personal demons drive a person to participate in party politics?

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