
joined 1 year ago
[–] m_f@midwest.social 7 points 1 week ago (2 children)

I wouldn't put it so aggressively, but I stopped arguing with one of them recently, because I realized that I was punching down. I'm not going to try and diagnose, but some sort of neurodivergence that leads to hyperfocusing on irrelevant details, and black and white thinking.

I don't think the answer is insulting them, that just validates their ingroup/outgroup mentality. The best thing to do is to just encourage them to keep on trying to improve themselves, and try to work on their maturity for when they become adults.

[–] m_f@midwest.social 6 points 1 week ago (4 children)

The majority of responses are of this ilk:

WHAT ABOUT ISM MUCH!!!111?!?1;1!?;1!1?1!1!11?1?1?!1!1?1?1?1!1!!1!1!1?1?1??1!1!1!11!?1?1!1?1?1

had no business being nazi fucks murdering their own people and working for to provoke Russia

Obomba had no business overthrowing the democratically elected Viktor Yakunovich

They're not detailed, sourced, or coherent, they're just bandwagoning. They're pigs wallowing in the mud, enjoying getting others muddy.

One response has images like this and links to news articles:

It is sourced, I'll give you that. It doesn't try to actually make any argument though, it's just hoping you'll see the headlines that think "ukraine == nazis", without stating that outright. It's oddly similar to Young Earth Creationists.

Here's another response that's the sort of thing you write when you first learn "omg capitalism is bad you guys!" and view all of the world's ills through that lens. much dialect wow:

Anyone who had a look at Lenin’s “Imperialism: highest stage of capitalism” and took it seriously, knew that there would be war in Europe as soon as they realized that the means of production of the former USSR were auctioned in a corrupt fashion, and their structure of ownership went not to western hands, but to national interests that collide with those of the US. Since that moment, it was just a matter of time that there would be conflict.

Poor oppressed Putin!

Putin tried really had to be taken into the fold imperialism. He assisted the west in its looting of Russia. He tried to join NATO but the crypto fascists who run NATO will never forgive the Slavic peoples for destroying the third reich

I've waded through the responses now to make sure I'm not missing something worthwhile, and it was a waste of my time. The one thing of value any of these responses has is hopefully one day making the posters feel self cringe when they've matured.

[–] m_f@midwest.social 0 points 1 week ago (7 children)

“Ukraine isn’t a utopia, therefore it’s a dystopia”.

That collection of news headlines are trying to imply "Ukraine isn't perfect, therefore Putin's invasion is justified because Ukraine is full Nazi and also the western media is trying to cover it up!". It's an immature view of the world, where something being imperfect means it's literally hitler. It's something you get past as you grow up, for the most part. I know some adult tankies IRL so it's not a given that people grow out of it, but each and every single one of them suffers from black and white thinking that negatively impacts their life in many ways.

Let's agree that Putin wanting to bring back the USSR is silly. I'm not really defending OP, but calling the responses in that thread "detailed replies" is... oof. They're detailed in the same way Time Cube is detailed. OP wandered into the pig sty and got muddy, but at least he's not one of the pigs wallowing in the mud.

[–] m_f@midwest.social 3 points 1 week ago (10 children)

Those replies are terrible. The one with all the news headlines is peak hexbear. "Ukraine isn't a utopia, therefore it's a dystopia". It's a classic example of black and white thinking, while they conveniently ignore all of the Zwastikas on the side they're cheering for.

[–] m_f@midwest.social 5 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Those aren't good responses. The narrative of "poor Putin just had to invade Ukraine, don't you see?" is bollocks.

Their weird insistence that anyone that doesn't agree with them is a "lib" that needs "dunking on" is tiring. If you don't show full-throated support for authoritarian regimes that they happen to like, then you clearly support Israel and genocide. They need to mature a bit, and realize that the world isn't black and white, and it doesn't neatly fall into convenient categories that can be nicely labelled.

[–] m_f@midwest.social 18 points 1 week ago (15 children)

It's not just you. Like many people that get sucked into cults, you don't want to directly engage with them. Just nicely encourage them to deprogram themselves, and focus on maturing and becoming an adult. They really don't like get called out like that, based on my interactions with them.



[–] m_f@midwest.social 7 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (4 children)

I don't like "3 strikes" laws, but man... you should not have any access to a car after 5 DUIs.


If you haven't met Colin Anderson (pictured) before, he's a great guy. Used to run Eureka Compass and now does the Twin Cities Vegan Chef Collective. This quote is very much him:

“Retail is dead. Capitalism is violence,” Anderson says of why he decided to close the restaurant. “Anybody who's still operating in that is operating, probably, in inherently violent and disparity-riddled exploitative ways.”

[–] m_f@midwest.social 8 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)


There's some good ones in there, and also a lot where the author was way too high

Things my girlfriend and I have argued about (www.thingsmygirlfriendandihavearguedabout.com)

Hope everyone that went had a great Fair this year. What did you like most about it?

[–] m_f@midwest.social 8 points 2 weeks ago

It would not surprise me to find out 50%+ of Reddit activity is bots at this point

[–] m_f@midwest.social 35 points 2 weeks ago (4 children)

mods can suck, admins can suck, but you can go off and start your own instance, with blackjack and hookers.

I also like that I can see that someone is posting from hexbear, and I can disregard their comment. It saves time.

[–] m_f@midwest.social 4 points 2 weeks ago

Here's some good reading on L-systems, written by the guy they're named after:


[–] m_f@midwest.social 11 points 2 weeks ago

Is the difference now that AIPAC learned the same lesson and made sure that wouldn't happen again?


Got coffee this morning, and they had these booklets. No affiliation, but I like the idea. Here's a map of all the shops:


This one was sticking way out into the parking lot. Apart from being associated with Musk, this just seems like such an ungainly vehicle

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