50/50 on those things.. Thanks, there are a few things in the list I can improve on.
I would also add knowing how to sharpen a knife on a stone and never using the knife-blunteners that come prebuilt into knife blocks these days.
Way ahead of you haha F9 is awesome!
'Basic appliance troubleshooting and repairs'
Thanks !
Even better, just some handy keywords to plug into google and we can open up that box of knowledge ourselves!
Learning about cars, engines and motorbike maintenance at this stage in life really opened my eyes. I could have easily been a mechanic or an engineer if I had the access to this knowledge when I was younger.
Now I do as much of my own maintenance as I can, and I'm pretty sure my engine will hit 400K before I start getting serious issues. None of it is overly complicated or difficult, and saves me money in the short and long term.
amortization schedule
Thanks! excellent suggestion.
Always assume it's live..
For sure. I've done several high level driving courses for work. TL;Dr drive slower, increase follow distance. You may arrive 30 seconds late but it would eliminate the chance of so many accidents. Learning to ride a motorbike made my driving way better too.
Exactly this
Good one, thanks!
I know how to do a valve check.. I probably should on my car. I did the valves on my motorbike. That was a real mission.