
joined 1 year ago
[–] lennybird@lemmy.world 13 points 18 hours ago

I predicted that as more Trump supporters realized they've been duped and grifted that they would be mightily upset.

[–] lennybird@lemmy.world 19 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)
[–] lennybird@lemmy.world 33 points 1 day ago

To him, it's win-win. Either he expands territory and genocides Ukraine, or her consolidates power as a wartime dictator and commits internal genocide by purging dissidents, ethnic minorities, etc. All the while further concentrating power.

Our modern Hitler.

[–] lennybird@lemmy.world 6 points 1 day ago

For sure but I'll sure as shit pocket this for a discussion with swing voters and the apathetic.

[–] lennybird@lemmy.world 52 points 1 day ago (4 children)

So let's entertain the eating of pets thing was real (it's not)... How do these help with that? In what way is disrupting hospitals obviously leading to patient care declining not 10000% worse than, eating a duck or cat or whatever...?

Fuck sake.

[–] lennybird@lemmy.world 20 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

My software engineering major was about 15:1.

[–] lennybird@lemmy.world 78 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Society isn't failing young men hard — let's be more specific — Republican toxic masculine rhetoric is failing young men hard. There's a reason there is so much overlap between MAGA and Inceldom, and it revolves around the false perception of what it means to be a manly man. They stifle their own emotions, yet rage on roids, get buff, and treat women like pieces of meat and then turn around and ask, "why can't I connect with anyone!?" Well, because drank the bullshit kool-aid of Jordan Peterson and Joe Rogan and Donald Trump and jumped fully onboard with frat-bro culture.

And let me just as a relatively young white male — you have no idea. You have no idea how hard it is for women right now all the same. After all, does the reversal of Roe really impact you or me the same way? Of course it doesn't. And another thing: All the economic woes facing men are also facing women just the same, I hope you understand.

One key factor is changing whom they idolize. Time to start idolizing the likes of Tim Walz and not Andrew fucking Tate.

[–] lennybird@lemmy.world 13 points 1 day ago

Whole new meaning to, "Please clap."

From Jeb to Vance's donut shop stunt to Leon Musk... Those words are just so versatile in describing the desperation of the Right.

[–] lennybird@lemmy.world 23 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) (2 children)

It's times like this where I sometimes feel people need a license to surf the internet.

Following the Debate I had a Trump supporter come to my door. We have yard signs but, uh, the dude went a step deeper and knew our names. Weird but okay I guess that shit is publicly available in registration dbs after all...

Anyways, he seemed innocent enough but boy would he hop skip around point to point. Just as you corner on one thing, they jump to the next. "I'll show you the source on my phone!" yet he wouldn't and jumped to the next subject. I asked him to identify his sources for information and he dodged that as well, just vaguely alluding to, "googling." Really fascinating and kind of fun to interact. I can see why Klepper does it so much lol.

On the flip-side it's just a bit sad to see people who seem like decent people but are completely led astray and living in an alternative reality. "You've been... Living in a dreamworld, Neo."

[–] lennybird@lemmy.world 0 points 2 days ago (1 children)

Let's not kid ourselves...This article isn't being read by Trump supporters or even fence sitters. It merely identifies the problem; it doesn't prescribe a method of outreach.

[–] lennybird@lemmy.world -1 points 2 days ago

Read further down in other comments, but:

  • It's important to identify the problem.
  • It's important to identify the target audience of this piece.
  • The crowd that this article is referring to isn't reading an editorial editorial piece from The Conversation.
  • This is thus mainly internal dialogue pointing to an example of the problem.
  • How we convey the problem to those ensared by it is a totally separate thing.
  • divisive for them; unifying for us, and helps the occasional apathetic bystander identify the bullshit before they themselves are ensared by it.
[–] lennybird@lemmy.world 3 points 3 days ago (1 children)

Well said and fair points. Ultimately I can agree that this entire article could be written as-is but for the exclusion of white. No doubt toxic masculinity is a problem. And no doubt there a considerable amount of white privilege; though the two probably should be separated as opposed to conjoined in discussion. Trump is a spoiled, silver-spooned manchild whose position has come about through a considerable degree of white privilege. Though as you said, one must be careful to narrow the scope of the conversation. That strictly applies to him, and probably should not be generalized more broadly.

Whereas toxic masculinity is more widespread and certainly not unique to white men (although in the moment under the MAGA banner and the audience of Jordan Peterson or Joe Rogan, it just so happens to predominantly be this group). I've read several articles about how inroads are being made with hispanic and black young male groups just the same — again, due to right-wing propaganda making inroads.

This where Walz could come in and why the VP Debate may be a bigger deal than many people realize. Walz has the capacity to do just as you said and project a certain male confidence. In his speech just yesterday he explicitly said, "Don't mistake kindness for weakness." If he carries through with this message as a military veteran and as a coach who can speak the frat bro language... Well, it may resonate with some and bring some back.


I guess I'm curious about generations (namely GenZ and Alpha) who didn't live in a pre-Internet time. Like,

  • How was the concept first explained to you, or when did it click?
  • Do you understand how insane it is to have the aggregate of all human knowledge — the only comparable thing once being a physical library or university — one search away? That it's absolutely insane you can engage in a real-time conversation with someone on the opposite side of the world? That you can find niche communities in an instant?
  • Were your parents super strict about internet usage? How quickly did you find workarounds?

June 28 (Reuters) - A group of U.S. voters who were unable to choose between Joe Biden and Donald Trump before Thursday's presidential debate delivered their verdicts after the contest and it was almost universally bad news for Biden.

Of the 13 "undecideds" who spoke to Reuters, 10 described the 81-year-old Democratic president's performance against Republican candidate Trump collectively as feeble, befuddled, embarrassing and difficult to watch.


All undecided voters in a U.S. swing states focus group hosted by pollster Frank Luntz said President Biden should be replaced as the Democratic nominee after watching his first presidential debate against former President Trump.


Lord Cameron said while he would not support a major ground offensive in the Gazan city of Rafah, the UK would not copy US plans to stop some arms sales.

He said the UK supplies just 1% of Israel's weapons and warned Israel must do more to protect civilians and allow humanitarian aid through.



They must oblige within a certain time frame — even if your account has been suspended and I believe even if you've deleted your account. Curiously, this might be one effective way to protest. Golly I wonder what would happen if many people requested such reports simultaneously. It seems these must be processed manually by admins.

As a bonus, it's nice because all your comments and messages are searchable.

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