[-] lemming741@lemmy.world 1 points 2 hours ago

Keyboards or ball joints?

[-] lemming741@lemmy.world 1 points 1 day ago

I didn't want batteries, so I used these magnetic reed switches. There are other places to get them-

You just gotta figure out power. I'm fortunate to own my home that has an attic and a crawlspace so drilling holes and pulling wire is simple.

Then I got a Shelly i4 DC. I think it's out of stock now but a Uni would work too. Shelly is all local, cloud disabled by default.

An ESPhome could do it also, and I wish I knew about esphome before I spent any money on importing the Shelly. Get a UNI and after you figure that out, get some esp32 dev boards from AliExpress.

[-] lemming741@lemmy.world 1 points 2 days ago

Yes, but with square dongles

[-] lemming741@lemmy.world 1 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

I don't care if it rains or freezes
'Long as I got my plastic Jesus
Riding on the dashboard of my car

[-] lemming741@lemmy.world 6 points 6 days ago

Fun fact- traditional parchment paper is soaked in sulfuric acid

[-] lemming741@lemmy.world 2 points 1 week ago

Mine's an AS83!

[-] lemming741@lemmy.world 6 points 1 week ago

Ibanez guitars hit such a high cost/quality mark. I've got a $400 artcore from 2002 and it's frickin sweet.

[-] lemming741@lemmy.world 2 points 1 week ago

I just told you I walk funny 🤣

[-] lemming741@lemmy.world 3 points 1 week ago

Thorogoods are premium tier for sure, but I have a strange gait and the soles are soft. Switched to the Carolina Sarge and they're perfect for me.


[-] lemming741@lemmy.world 1 points 1 week ago

You can old nvme -> SATA -> new nvme with any old SATA drive you have lying around.

travel routers (lemmy.world)

So I've seen the TP-Link and GL.inet travel routers, and it looks like some of the GLs are/were built to run wrt firmwares. Stock TP firmwares have been pretty full features in my experience. I really want USB-C power. The GL wireguard support looks useful too, but it looks like their newer stuff is proprietary? Another want, not need, is 5 GHz band.

Does anyone have a favorite model or another board that can be flashed?


I'm working in the template editor, and if I use the 'and' operator, an entity disappears. I finally found/guessed a working combination but I can't find any examples to see the right combo of operators and parenthesis. HA tells you to look at jinja docs, jinja literally says "There is not an awful lot to talk about here"

any template guru out there know the secret sauce?

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by lemming741@lemmy.world to c/selfhosted@lemmy.world

I'd asked about using a VPS to get better routing to my homelab in this post: https://lemmy.world/post/1424540

I've narrowed down my problem- if i use a subdomain in my caddyfile, performance is 1/3 or worse compared to just the root.

example.com {reverse_proxy}

will saturate my gigabit lan connection at 980ish. On a 5gUW connection i get my advertised 50 mbit or more

librespeed.example.com {reverse_proxy}

I get 220-250 megabits on my internal lan. The same 5gUW connection will only get 7 or 8 mbit.

It's strange to me that everything seems to work just fine, but it's just slow. Anyone got any ideas?


I've got 1000/50 service from a mid-size ISP. It's pretty consistent- any time I run a speed test from home, it will hit those numbers. I have an opnsense plugin checking twice a day.

Performance from my self-hosted services to the internet, however, is very inconsistent. Sometimes I get the full 50, sometimes it will only hit 5 Mbit/s.

Is it possible a VPS proxy could provide less congested routes? Is there a better way to troubleshoot the bottleneck? When i notice a slowdown, usually watching a clip on frigate, I'll use a public speedtest to check my field connection. If it's over 50 down, I'll check librespeed on my server. If frigate or plex is fast, librespeed will be too. If I've noticed a problem, librespeed has always agreed.

My host machine is a 5700g w/ 64 gigs of ram, X520 nic to an S33 modem, so I don't think it's a hardware bottleneck.

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joined 11 months ago