
joined 2 years ago
[–] 2 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (7 children)

Well, there is something mentioned about latest version of omemo:

OMEMO doesn’t attempt to provide even the vaguest rationale for its design choices, and appears to approach cryptography protocol specification with a care-free attitude.

To put it mildly, this is the wrong way to approach cryptography


Because there is no rationale given for this sudden square-root reduction in security against existential forgery attacks, we kind of have to fill in the gaps and assume it was because of some kind of performance or bandwidth considerations.

But even that doesn’t really justify it, does it?

You’re only saving 16 bytes of bandwidth by truncating the MAC. Meanwhile, the actual ciphertext blobs are being encoded with base64, which adds 33% of overhead.

For any message larger than 48 bytes, this base64 encoding will dominate the bandwidth consumption more than using the full HMAC tag would.


Is truncating the HMAC tag to to 128 bits still secure? According to Signal, yes, it is. And I offer no disagreement to Signal’s assessment here.

The problem is, as I’ve said repeatedly, OMEMO’s specification makes no attempt to justify their design decisions.

Then on one of the comments, there's an interesting comment on something signal has mentioned it's working on quantum resistance, that it's no clear is something omemo will support, and even less when clients might adopt if eventually available:

Indeed quite often someone compares the two protocols and implies OMEMO is as mature as the current state of the art Signal protocol. Allow me to throw in the emerging post-quantum support that Signal is adding or already has in libsignal.

Somehow is implied on the comment that omemo is immature compared to libsignal...

At any rate, dino uses libsignal-protocol-c (on Artix/Arch 2.3.3), not libomemo, and conversations uses libaxolotle-java (according to the "about" section in the settings). So somehow using signal library underneath. Although I have no idea how up to date with regards to the signal library those might be (though the axolotl dependency on conversations allows to think it's outdated). And for conversations the author mentions:

To be clear: These aren’t separate dependencies that Conversations pulls in to implement plugin supports. They’re first-party cryptographic implementations all within this Android app’s codebase.

I guess by 1st party the author means like copy/paste the code (with local twists, which might be dangerous but perhaps necessary) to have a local version of the libraries. This sounds like a non version related criticism, but it's client related rather than protocol related, however the author mentions other clients are way worse, leaving no hope...

I don't see on dino an option to always use omemo BTW, not sure if dino just it implies omemo by default, but it doesn't have a way to force it. Perhaps a feature to ask dino developers...

At any rate, according the post there's little hope for xmpp + omemo. Which was actually something I was still hoping for, well, besides getting jami working at some point (but it has crypto issues on its own, including lack of auditing).

[–] 1 points 2 months ago

betterbird tray solution doesn't work on wayland, given a bug on common code (affects both, Firefox, Thunderbird and derivatives). Just in case that's one of the motivations of using betterbird. That by the way was the only feature that really made me look at betterbird, and as it didn't work, I went back to TB. And if you're wondering, birdtray doesn't work on wayland, 😑.

[–] 0 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Thunderbird is working on enabling exchange, and meanwhile you can combine it with TBSync plus its provider for exchange AcriveSync extensions. And given TB hadn't care so far about tray, to at least avoid TB dying by mistake, you can also add Minimize on Close extension. Mail would still be IMap, so it'll work as long as the outlook provider enables IMap support, but for the company I work it's enabled. But such support is coming up on TB. Not sure if its solution would be 100% open source, but I hope it is, otherwise, I'm not sure if everyone will want to have a blob proprietary binary inside TB...

[–] 1 points 2 months ago (1 children)

There are several patches under its patches source directory, and there are different sort of packages, one example is the sed patch to avoid including pocket in the build. The DRM widevine is not included either on the build, though it can be installed if you want it installed (probably there's a patch for that somewhere).

But I no longer see removing binary blobs being advertised by Librewolf, it's been a while since I don't check on their site...

[–] 5 points 2 months ago (3 children)

Not true, FF comes with few binary blobs which are removed from Librewolf. Also there are some things disabled entirely at build time, so they are removed from being an option. So it's not just the settings, and it's not plain re-branding. Some distros has gotten it wrong, believing that it's just a matter of settings, but at least on the case of Librewolf and the Tor browser that's not the case.

That hey depend on FF continuous development to exist is true, that doesn't mean they just rebrand.

[–] 3 points 3 months ago

Yes SMGL is still active. You can try joining one of their channels. There are still people looking for source based distros, not sure while Gentoo is the only thing that pops up for them. I used it for some time, and it's fantastic. Sadly having to build stuff takes too much time, particularly on old, and not performance oriented HW. They had support for binaries, and actually include a binaries grimoire, so you could install binaries that used to take too much time, like Firefox for example. Still it takes too much to keep a source based distro. And if you go all the way, then when changing parts of the building toolchain, like gcc, the recommendation was to build everything so that everything would be built with the more up to date toolchain, that was cool, since SMGL has tools for it, but those fancy stuff take as well a lot of time. There I learned 1st about ccache, hahaha.

Sooo fun, :)

[–] 2 points 3 months ago

Haven't tried halloy, but it sounds cool, I wish rust build with shared libs in mind, instead of everything link statically, but it sounds interesting, I'll see how it is compared to srain which is my current choice...

[–] 2 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

srain, becuase of being modern gtk, because of being light on dependencies, because of being available on aur, and because I'd like it more (yes there are several things that are also a matter of taste) than the alternatives, :)

[–] 7 points 3 months ago

why toxic? Or better yet, define toxic.

[–] 3 points 3 months ago

mozilla private derivatives such as librewolf on the desktop and mull on android I just fine. So FF keeps being relevant as not being a derivative from chromium/chrome, it can remain apart from google disabling adds removing extensions.

So yes, FF is food to thrive, and so its derivatives will...

[–] 3 points 3 months ago

I has improved quite a bit. The phone app still requires navigating over its settings to get less battery consumption, and having ntfy or any other unifiedPush notification provider available in the phone. But with the default configs, you get Jami working at least. I tried it before, and I found before synchronization between devices was a mess. Currently it just works. I still find it hard on immediate/urgent calls or messages, which might not happen when you expect, but other than that it's working.

On the desktop, the default configs are pretty sane.

And the best part, it's being actively developed. And the UI is undergoing through lots of improvements. So if usability is your concern, it's getting better, and each release improves over the prior one...

A COSMIC Thanksgiving (

cross-posted from:

Notable changes:

  • Tracking improvements. For example, if you use the launcher to launch an application and then switch workspaces, it will still launch in the workspace you opened it from;
  • Supported the ext-session-lock protocol, which authenticates the user and informs the compositor when the session should be unlocked
  • XDG activation and DBus activation support
  • work on HDR
  • Ongoing work to package COSMIC on NixOS: tracking issue
submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by to c/

Hello !

As Mint is based on Ubuntu, I’m wondering if it will follow the missteps (to me at least) Ubuntu is doing to demote *.deb packages in favor of snaps?

Well that based on Ubuntu 23.10’s New Software App Will Demote DEBs (Apparently) post, and its discussion.

From all ubuntu based distros, Mint seems not to follow those missteps, but I'm wondering if Rhino will do the same. Actually I don't like Rhino created a wrapper package manager which actually gets snap support as well as apt on the same bucket. But who knows, it might be they won't follow ubuntu on this.

Does anyone know?

My interest on Rhino comes from it being rolling release. But I don't want snap to become the source of common/important packages.

Thanks !


AFAIK waybar doesn't offer quick launch buttons, but it does offer custom modules, which one can use to mimic such buttons. I'm using custom modules in a pretty simple way, for example for librewolf (I didn't find an awesome icon font for it, so using the FF one):

    "custom/librewolf": {
        "format": "",
        "interval": "once",
        "on-click": "librewolf",

I have some other ones for other applications. I do use keybindings as well, and I can use wofi to search for the applications, but none of them are really alternatives for other users.

It does work ! However I was looking for a very simple way to add what official modules, like a "tooltip-format" which is part of the official modules. Not sure why on earth it's not part of the custom modules. So for example, I'd look for something similar to:

    "custom/librewolf": {
        "format": "",
        "tooltip-format" "Librewolf Browser"
        "interval": "once",
        "on-click": "librewolf",

So that if someone doesn't recognize the awesome font icon, one could just find out by the tip shown when getting the mouse on top of the button. As this is not supported. Is there any simple way to do that? Hopefully not requiring to add several scripts just for this. Something that might be part of such snippet, and pretty simple would be great, 🙂

Please let me know of suggestions.

Thanks !


Old post but better have it in this community


Old post, but better have it in this community


I just noticed there's an app installed on a recently acquired pixel 4a 5g, "android system intelligence", which I never found installed on other phones like moto or xiaomi ones.

It also had by default a bunch of permissions granted, which I removes, and only left it with notifications.

Is this a system app I should leave working with more permissions? Should I disable it instead (if possible, I didn't try)?

Is it required for an android system proper functionality? Is it bad to remove all permissions except by the notifications one? Does this damage functionality?

I'm just suspecting about an "android intelligence" thing.

What have others done about it?


Hi !

I recently got a pixel 4a 5g (bramble), and when installing, I noticed there's a difference with respect other phones I've installed lineageos on, like motorola, xiomi redmi 4x (discontinued) and others.

On this pixel, and probably others, one needs to flash a boot.img, a dtbo.img and a vendor_boot.img, before sideloading lineageos. The vendor_boot.img is supposed to be the equivalent to the recovery.img.

On other phones there's only a recovery.img to flash, prior to sideloading lineageos.

Now, on this pixel majore version upgrades I see documented only the sideload of lineageos. For other phones I usually upgrade both, the recovery.img and then sideload the new major version of lineage. So not sure if I should then should flash all images, boot, dtbo and vendor_boot, when upgrading on major versions. I guess I could, but I'm wondering.

Moreover, even on same major OTA upgrades, I'm wondering what gets upgraded, if I have selected OTA upgrades to also upgrade recovery image, would it just upgrade the vendor_boot one, or would it flash all other images?

It's just that it involves flashing several other images, not matching the ones for other phones, :)

Thanks !


I started some time ago using a teddit frontend with local subscriptions, and at some point it was hard for the one I picked to keep up, then I moved to libreddit, at that time, then it stopped working and moved to, but it seems it stopped working as well, and finally I moved to libreddit, but some time back there was too much rate limiting, making it unusable, and since yesterday it seems totally down, giving the error "502 Bad Gateway". I also have the libRedirect extension on Librewolf configure to choose among several libreddit instances (so when searching for something any is picked), and most of them seem out of service, or being rate limited as well.

So, are frontends for reddit finally coming to an end?

Edit: Indeed, it seems at least non self-hosted front-end instances are way rate limited or down

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