In hot weather OHSA requires water breaks, these laws are redundant.
Each satellite covers over ~150 mile radius so blacking out one area would mean millions of people couldn't get internet.
Humans that write shitty clickbait articles upset that AI can write even shittier ones... News at 11.
Those numbers are intentionally misleading, they are using people that killed themselves to prop up the numbers. It's disgusting.
Capicators are not as good as batteries at energy capicity vs weight and volume. Capicators are great at releasing large amounts of energy.
Linux can and is used on airplanes, flight control systems is not where it lives. There is a layer of abstraction, the auto pilot, which allows for Linux to be used and the safety of flight risks to be mitigated.
Why would anyone in their right mind load up the whole family on the way to the grocery?
Should everyone with a large family also have a small car to get groceries?
Yeah fuck them for promoting a movie that will benefit many of the actors because of the higher revenue.
There are many reasons to hate the mouse this is not one.