
joined 1 year ago
[–] jadedwench@lemmy.world 9 points 1 month ago (1 children)

You have to walk... barefoot. My feet are messed up and I have some impressive callouses on the balls of my feet. They are a little better after surgery, but recovery sucked. Ultimately, your feet build up protection. Caking on mud probably helped. Animal skins, rudimentary sandals from various plants, and other natural resources could provide extra protection. Unfortunately, we have built an environment made for shoes and evolution is doing the rest. Walking on pavement is not great without shoes. Especially when it bakes. Walking on soil and grass feels a lot better.

[–] jadedwench@lemmy.world 2 points 1 month ago

I don't think they did it in the later movies, but I watched the first one dubbed in Spanish and it was strangely better. I don't even speak Spanish.

[–] jadedwench@lemmy.world 11 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (3 children)

I am really trying to follow this, but I need more coffee I think. I am happy to be educated if it can be explained a little easier or some good reference material.



[–] jadedwench@lemmy.world 1 points 1 month ago (2 children)

Well, since you may be forced to use it, here are some utilities to make it better: Rectangle Pro - 200% necessary. $10. Worth every penny. Cleanshot X Homebrew AltTab iTerm2 Oh My Zsh Karabiner Elements may be useful if you need macros/key bindings.

Also, this is cross platform, but giving a shout-out to Obsidian. With a couple plugins, it is a fantastic notes app that is markdown based.

There are plenty of things that are irritating in OSX, but there is a lot I like after using it for a while. Most of the irritations are gone with the above utilities. Unlike Windows, I didn't have to spend a whole bunch of time debloating the OS and advertisements are not shoved in my face. I probably turned it off, but I don't have a damn digital assistant shoved in my face either. Both Linux and OSX (which is Unix) have very clean interfaces. As someone with severe ADHD, an overly distracting UI will stress me out. A lot.

I do have some rather strong feelings about what they are doing with permissions in the Sequoia beta, but I also get what they are trying to achieve. iOS though is torture. I will say that for my iPad that it has improved a lot in 18, but I have 0 desire to ever have an iPhone. iPad is still ultimately hindered by the OS. The iPad Pro has an absurd amount of power, but the restrictions in iPad OS hobble what it is truly capable of.

[–] jadedwench@lemmy.world 2 points 1 month ago

This reminds me a lot of AMRs (Autonomous Mobile Robot), except the Omron ones I have been working with are super dumb. I wish they would honk or give better indication that they are incapable of parking or going around each other. Those Waymo cars at least seem to be able to figure it out.

Not to say all AMRs are that bad. I have seen some really good systems, but it all comes down to the software and configuration. I know this is Fuck Cars, but the technology that goes into those Waymo is an amazing feat of engineering. I am amused that they didn't think too hard on the sound pollution and disturbances.

[–] jadedwench@lemmy.world 2 points 1 month ago

That sucks. Some locations everything is locked up, other ones are better. I usually stick to the "nice" mall or go to a standalone store instead. Just in case you didn't know, places like Sephora and Ulta allow you to return whatever. If you hate it or it bothers your skin, just return it. They will also give you samples, for some things at least, to take home if you ask. Such as foundation or something. They have these little tiny generic containers they can fill. Target used to be pretty good for skincare, but I haven't been in one for a long time.

[–] jadedwench@lemmy.world 10 points 1 month ago (4 children)

If it helps, you can at least use any USBC charger you want now. I love my M1 air, but have some similar ranty feelings about the older models from 10-15 years ago. I hope you at least give it a chance. I don't think I could ever go back to Windows. It is Mac or Linux for me.

[–] jadedwench@lemmy.world 3 points 1 month ago

You can cancel 30 seconds after using it and keep your 30 day trial. Most services work this way. Take the trial, immediately cancel, and move on.

[–] jadedwench@lemmy.world 7 points 1 month ago

Took me a minute to find it, but thanks. However, I still can't seem to change the text size and I feel like it isn't very accessible. I couldn't get the text size buttons to work on the webpage either. At least I could zoom in and scroll everywhere. I am using Vivaldi.

[–] jadedwench@lemmy.world 12 points 1 month ago (5 children)

It is utter cancer on my phone and I can't read the white on yellow.

[–] jadedwench@lemmy.world 2 points 1 month ago

Muting! I have done a few safety light curtains before and it is really cool how they can tell the difference between a human and a pallet/part/etc with just lasers. There are some really complex safety scanners out there, such as the area ones, but it is neat.

The thing that would make this easiest is the direction of travel. If everything goes the same way around the belt, not terribly difficult to detect things going the opposite direction.

Main point is there are a lot of easy ways to prevent stupid, but stupid will still try and circumvent it.

[–] jadedwench@lemmy.world 2 points 1 month ago

Me too! I have used it for a couple other non-rpi devices in the past as well. It is super simple and works on my Mac. I haven't even looked at other utilities in years.

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