[-] jabjoe@feddit.uk 1 points 1 hour ago* (last edited 1 hour ago)

To be fair, Frank falling to his death from the top of wind turbine 45 has much shorter consequences.

It won't have distant descendants dying after not working out symbols meant to not play with the glowing stuff left by the ancients.

Like tragic Glowing Peril tale: https://timharford.com/2023/11/cautionary-tales-the-lethal-fallout-of-a-stolen-treasure/

[-] jabjoe@feddit.uk 0 points 4 hours ago

To be clear, this is on the right wing Netanyahu government, not all of Israel. There is protests in Israel about this right now : https://news.sky.com/story/huge-protests-call-on-israeli-pm-benjamin-netanyahu-to-approve-us-ceasefire-deal-and-release-hostages-13146730

[-] jabjoe@feddit.uk 26 points 11 hours ago

Some of us use FOSS because of access to the source and the benefits of an all FOSS system. Not because it's zero cost. This list is just zero cost and some happen to be FOSS.

[-] jabjoe@feddit.uk 4 points 12 hours ago* (last edited 9 hours ago)

Not to mention slow to build. Takes about a decade to get a nuclear plant going. If that is replacing coal, you are burning that coal during construction. The CO2 cost of that should be taken into account when comparing to much quicker renewables (approx 2 years). Also pouring all that concrete. Once it's build, sure it's green, but that is expensive, takes ages and comes with a big CO2 cost to get going.

Or you go renewable now, turn the filthy coal off about 8 years sooner and save a ton of money and CO2 right now.

[-] jabjoe@feddit.uk 4 points 12 hours ago

Mmmm. Looking at:


Roughly I'd say it's at most 200-300 people. Airships just didn't carry many at once.

If you look at:


You easily go past the airships estimate. One that surprised me was: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windscale_fire

"Estimated 100 to 240 cancer fatalities in the long term"

You can beat airships deaths will just one of big accidents.


[-] jabjoe@feddit.uk 3 points 2 days ago

I fear it we will keep see new high records. If you have read Ministry For The Future, this all very alarmingly familiar.

Not the first time this has been pointed out : https://www.independent.co.uk/climate-change/news/heat-wave-india-climate-fiction-b2065039.html

[-] jabjoe@feddit.uk 4 points 2 days ago

Now he's been found guilty, I wonder if more and more will dare to come forward. This isn't that, it is just a NDA running out.

[-] jabjoe@feddit.uk 6 points 2 days ago

So you can't cut to growth? Next your tell us moral can't be improved by beatings.

[-] jabjoe@feddit.uk 0 points 4 days ago

As I said, if you want to start today, solar is without doubt the way to go. If you are dealing in decades, and much more money, nuclear becomes an option. But in the time building it, you're poluting and it's not clear it's even cleaner long run discounting that, let alone including it.

As a bonus, solar is safer too. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_nuclear_power_accidents_by_country

So nuclear just isn't the choice to make in 2024.

[-] jabjoe@feddit.uk -3 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

That's part of the issue with nuclear, it's not today. It's a decade to do, power coal in the mean time, pouring concrete which also cause a load of CO2. When it's finally running, it's clean, but expensive. In the mean time you could have solar running 8 years and it is cheaper to power and install. Nuclear is going to struggle to compete. Until fusion, but even that, if it ever comes, might not be cheap enough compared. Cheap, fast and clean wins.

[-] jabjoe@feddit.uk 0 points 4 days ago

It's a new area, but there are companies : https://www.recyclesolar.co.uk/

Life cycle comparing isn't as simple as your thinking: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0301421506002758 Happy to look if you have a unbiased source for life cycle emissions comparison.

But costs and time is a no brainer: https://www.energysage.com/about-clean-energy/nuclear-energy/solar-vs-nuclear/

You as also don't want to be burning coal for a decade while you build a nuclear power plant. Then it's expensive to run compared to solar too. The CO2 costs of waiting for nuclear should be included for nuclear too.

submitted 5 months ago by jabjoe@feddit.uk to c/selfhosted@lemmy.world

It too me a while to work out why my Nextcloud stuff wasn't working on my phone. It wasn't until I went to http://duckdns.org on mobile data I saw the block. I had changed ISP from one with IPv6, which I had setup, to an ISP without it, and thought it might be that. But it was just coincidence.

I've written to O2 but I doubt they will change anything, so I'll be changing network.

So heads up UK O2 self hosting people!

Boxing Android (feddit.uk)
submitted 7 months ago by jabjoe@feddit.uk to c/privacy@lemmy.ml

So I've got Android as I want. LineageOS, no Google, Magisk, MicroG but with AndroidAuto with OsmAnd+.

But the outside world of WhatsApp, Bank apps, etc is putting pressure to join. Plus not everything works properly with MicroG instead of the Google service provider. Makes me cross techno-politically, but I can't always hard life tech choices when it effects others.

So, what do others do? At the moment, I've thinking I need a non-free phone and a free-phone! Then what, I keep swapping SIM?? I can't see a workable VM solution to run a non-free Android in a freer Android.

The state of the phone market is pitiful.

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joined 11 months ago