[-] homesweethomeMrL@lemmy.world 34 points 55 minutes ago

“Lies”. The word is “lies”, WaPo. Use it.

Yeah he’ll sue. So??

So we’re just going to ignore the fact that he’s clearly melting in front of everyone? Shouldn’t someone put him in the fridge or something?

[-] homesweethomeMrL@lemmy.world 8 points 2 days ago

I mean, it’s election fraud. But the feds are under the boot of the GQP


The guy has got **all **the signs of someone in major mental decline — and it seems to be accelerating. He was half-cracked while he was in office and it's only gotten worse. Like… don't just take my word for it obviously, but if you have bothered to pay attention the signs are there.

Plus, even if you think he's of completely sound mind? He's currently fucking BEGGING for cash because of the half-billion he owes in court penalties. The dude ALREADY practically slobs on the knob of every major international warlord and strongman purely because he has a weird power fetish. The security risk to have a broke-as-fuck, corrupt, cheating dickbucket desperate for cash with access to all of the U.S.A's secrets is UNFATHOMABLE (frankly, I'm convinced he's ALREADY sold shit from those bathroom boxes to half the fucking rich dictators on the planet - look at the state of things!)

in conclusion… I can't even believe I have to argue this with anyone. jesus.


[-] homesweethomeMrL@lemmy.world 0 points 3 days ago

Necessary evils, such as committee meetings, vs. runaway political madness suppressing actual work.

The former is implied by organization, the latter is more prevalent than ever in the state of modern science (because money).

[-] homesweethomeMrL@lemmy.world -1 points 3 days ago

You don’t have appeals for stupid things judges do? Well, that sounds nice.

I’m not saying it’s endemic to hear a judge doesn’t know the law in certain situations, but it’s definitely happened. Depending on the judge - a lot.

[-] homesweethomeMrL@lemmy.world 1 points 3 days ago

Notably, the president is doing especially badly with nonwhite Americans who don’t reliably cast ballots in elections. As a result, in a departure from most of modern American history, high turnout may actually favor Republicans this year.

The author speculates young nonwhite Americans don’t trust the government and that’s why they’re helping trump win

[-] homesweethomeMrL@lemmy.world 5 points 3 days ago

Did he end the comment with one of those Mu-Wahahahahaaaaaa laughs?

[-] homesweethomeMrL@lemmy.world 36 points 3 days ago

Light treason

[-] homesweethomeMrL@lemmy.world 8 points 3 days ago

(To Felicia): Schmuck!

[-] homesweethomeMrL@lemmy.world 26 points 3 days ago

And as a woman she remains subservient to his wishes.

Hey, it’s in the bible people! Which, as you know from very key recent court opinions, is the inerrant word of your creator, the lord g-d almighty.

Also, this just in: fascist Christo-nationalism is here and if we don’t vote these fuckers out we may never see the end of it in our lifetimes.

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