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[-] hanrahan 0 points 4 days ago

Or Australia and the recent church stabbings. NZ and the Christchurch thing, plenty of counties have shit banned beside China.

submitted 4 days ago by hanrahan to c/

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In today's edition of no shit sherlock. So... solutions ? If only there was some solution, like... not flying... No? okay then, societal collapse it is.

submitted 4 days ago by hanrahan to c/

In today's edition of no shit sherlock. So, solutions ? Stop flying... No? okay then, societal collapse it is then.

[-] hanrahan 22 points 4 days ago

I can see you haven't met many christians if you think this is hypocritical behavior.

Ghandi ? I like your Christ, you Christians are so unlike him.

[-] hanrahan 4 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

I'll have to shit like a barbarian for that time.

I try and pre poop for this reason, if going to town and get caught out etc

Smearng shit around your asshole with paper might have appealed to 8yr old me but no longer is it the mischievous fun it was in the long ago.

It was also bemusing to see the great TP shortages of the Covid era and snicker

[-] hanrahan 16 points 5 days ago

Tha makes no sense unliss there was also a hetero tag for homosexuals to use.

[-] hanrahan 15 points 5 days ago

As another user mentioned, I'd suspect because gay is still a death scentence and/or a criminal charge in some places, those would insist anything gay must me filtered ?

submitted 5 days ago by hanrahan to c/

Most of the functionality is present but many important bits are still being developed.

[-] hanrahan 1 points 5 days ago

My Nokia XR20 has all three (and NFC), that and it being a "tough phone" were the attraction at the time, as it double times as the GPS on my bicycle and track logging hikes etc

I am not sure if the newer XR21 kept them?.

[-] hanrahan 1 points 5 days ago

Yeah, I had that with Sony, Apple, Microsoft, Google, Samsung.

A couple years ago, I decided not to cut my nose off to spite my face and evaluate the products and hope some shenanigans root kit doesn't happen after i've purchased it

I think im paraphrasing the author Iain Banks here, I feel like a piece of sweet corn in a turd, technically I'm intact but I'm still surrounded by shit.

On the plus side it pushed me to Linux as my desktop OS.

[-] hanrahan 1 points 5 days ago

Yes, imagine, its controlled by Google..and Apple, thay woukd be a backward step

Fuck RCS, just install Signal

[-] hanrahan 3 points 5 days ago
[-] hanrahan 1 points 5 days ago

Why ? I am sure there are lots of good architects that can't lay a row of bricks for shit and won't take feedback from builders and tradespeople either.

Maybe an excellent developer will read it, agree and have a go ? Or they'll collaborate with somone.

[-] hanrahan 2 points 5 days ago

A little IG like

[-] hanrahan 1 points 5 days ago

Yes I'm on it, and don't post much, I guess to dip my toe to check it out but while I take photos for myself I don't look at the photos of others. I was never on IG at all so ...

submitted 1 week ago by hanrahan to c/

Outgoing special rapporteur David Boyd says ‘there’s something wrong with our brains that we can’t understand how grave this is’

submitted 1 week ago by hanrahan to c/
submitted 1 week ago by hanrahan to c/climate

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Dr Henri Waisman, at the IDDRI policy research institute in France, said: “Climate change is not a black or white question and every tenth of a degree matters a lot, especially when you look at the socioeconomic impacts. This means it is still useful to continue the fight.”

and while I agree with the sentiment, we really aren't "fighting" are we, quite the opposite. Every thing we're doing is wrong, how do we know this ? CO~2~ppm is still increasing, fossil fuel use increased in 2023, planes are still droning overhead, cars still driving, more roads being built and winded, the Antarctic is being stripped of krill to make pet food etc

submitted 1 week ago by hanrahan to c/

Dr Henri Waisman, at the IDDRI policy research institute in France, said: “Climate change is not a black or white question and every tenth of a degree matters a lot, especially when you look at the socioeconomic impacts. This means it is still useful to continue the fight.”

and while I agree with the sentiment, we really aren't "fighting" are we, quite the opposite. Every thing we're doing is wrong, how do we know this ? CO~2~ppm is still increasing, fossil fuel use increased in 2023, planes are still droning overhead, cars still driving, more roads being built and winded, the Antarctic is being stripped of krill to make pet food etc

submitted 1 week ago by hanrahan to c/

Alon Levy, co-lead of the transportation and land use program at New York University’s Marron Institute, has spent years studying why some countries are able to build transport infrastructure cheaply and others aren’t.

Though the preliminary business case of the expansion of Gold Coast light rail includes few details, Levy estimates that the project may ultimately cost as much as 10 times more than comparable European infrastructure.

Those include, Levy says, a lack of contracting transparency, over-engineering, politicisation, poor allocation of cost risk – and above all, contracting out to the private sector.

submitted 1 week ago by hanrahan to c/

Wtf ?

submitted 1 week ago by hanrahan to c/

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I just used to accept the 7% increase per c figure but as indicated

This figure comes from research undertaken by the French engineer Sadi Carnot and published 200 years ago this year.

Their work has shown it's much more

For Australia, we helped develop a comprehensive review of the latest climate science to guide preparedness for future floods. This showed the increase per degree of global warming was about 7–28% for hourly or shorter duration extreme rain, and 2–15% for daily or longer extreme rain. This is much higher than figures in the existing flood planning standards recommending a general increase of 5% per degree of warming.

and they explain why

We now know there’s more to the story. Yes, a hotter atmosphere has the capacity to hold more moisture. But the condensation of water vapour to make rain droplets releases heat. This, in turn, can fuel stronger convection in thunderstorms, which can then dump substantially more rain.

This means that the intensity of extreme rainfall could increase by much more than 7% per degree of warming. What we’re seeing is that thunderstorms can likely dump about double or triple that rate – around 14–21% more rain for each degree of warming

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by hanrahan to c/climate

I just used to accept the 7% increase per c figure but as indicated

This figure comes from research undertaken by the French engineer Sadi Carnot and published 200 years ago this year.

Their work has shown it's much more

For Australia, we helped develop a comprehensive review of the latest climate science to guide preparedness for future floods. This showed the increase per degree of global warming was about 7–28% for hourly or shorter duration extreme rain, and 2–15% for daily or longer extreme rain. This is much higher than figures in the existing flood planning standards recommending a general increase of 5% per degree of warming.

and they explain why

We now know there’s more to the story. Yes, a hotter atmosphere has the capacity to hold more moisture. But the condensation of water vapour to make rain droplets releases heat. This, in turn, can fuel stronger convection in thunderstorms, which can then dump substantially more rain.

This means that the intensity of extreme rainfall could increase by much more than 7% per degree of warming. What we’re seeing is that thunderstorms can likely dump about double or triple that rate – around 14–21% more rain for each degree of warming

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by hanrahan to c/climate

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He mentiond climate change and pollution , well worth a read IMO

“The future is really daunting for people in the Maldives … the climate emergency is an existential threat that overshadows all the other issues.”

over 40 million people have died of air pollution since I became special rapporteur in 2018, yet I just can’t get people to care.

“I can’t get people to bat an eyelash. It’s like there’s something wrong with our brains that we can’t understand just how grave this situation is.”

“I think the right to a healthy environment is actually the foundation that we require to enjoy all other human rights. If we don’t have a living, healthy planet Earth, then all the other rights are just words on paper.”

If we don’t have a living, healthy planet Earth, then all the other rights are just words on paper.

I get his bemusement, just here in Australia, 11,000 die from air pollution from cars annually, another 20,00 are hospitalised annually. The numbers are beyond horrendous and yet, on a scale of 1 to 5 fucks given, it's 0

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