Holy shit, ground effects on base boards!? Instantly adopting this tech.

Setup an accident that gets you sick or spills something on you, and oh no turns out it accelerates aging!

Now your body is actually 43 even though you're 25.



Matt Damon scene end of Saving Private Ryan.

Not mine. Polled the girls.

Pro, big city. Nice music scene. Good food scene. Not just bbq. Two states at same time. Power and light district; good night life.

Con, midwest everything is 30m+ away by car, and the home buying purchasing power parity the midwest used to enjoy has slowly drained away; especially in big cities. Lots of midwestern people think and speak in semicolons. No beach. Shit climate. Authoritarian red state mentalities once you leave the city. NFL and MLB if you're a worshiper.

What is a black portal? What are it's properties? How do you repeatably and reliably measure it?

The culture of editors can get toxic, but usually the content is still good.

This is literally a tool tip in the fascist parody helldivers 2.

The Internet is ruined me. I keep looking for the hidden loss.

[-] half_built_pyramids@lemmy.world -1 points 2 weeks ago

bad joke, spiders are not bugs only insects of the order hemiptera classified as bugs and spiders aren't even insects. maybe if you drank fewer beer and spent more time studying you would know that but it's your life

[-] half_built_pyramids@lemmy.world 27 points 2 weeks ago

You're describing a problem with the health care system, not the problem with doctors.

That being said, actually an unpopular and dangerous and stupid opinion. Upvoted.


Messing around with Linux for the first time in a bbb.

I've learned things like ls -1al, those types of basics.

I'm getting the picture that Debian for the bbb is kind of bare bones, no pun intended. Is that right?

I'm interested in some bigger picture basics like that. Any suggestions for resources?


With Google podcast dying I'm looking for a replacement.

I'd like to unchain myself from the corpos if I can too. So I'm not interested in another pod catcher that'll just try to monetize me.

Are there are self hosted rss readers with push? That seems like a great solution for pods and just about anything else I might want to keep up with.


I don't want a dark and twisted batman that watches Catwoman change through her window.

I want a bat credit card and ice puns.

The whole plot is that robin is scared of getting bracers. The joker taunts him with those fake chittering walking teeth.


cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/10852890

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/10852531

Working on a joystick. Seems like any protocol I use to read from peripherals is going to be bottlenecked by having just one input. My microcontroller might have multiple ADCs, but there's just one processor stepping through them. Same for spi, or i2c, or uart. There's really only ever one sensor reporting back its data at a time.

I know this might not matter for measurement resolution. Especially if you're polling at like 115k serial or something, but...

That's 8 bits per axis, and three axis. Now that's at least 34 bits. To sample each axis we're down to only 4.5k samples per second. Plus whatever other cycles the controller has to handle... even if I spent half that time doing microcontrolle cycles at like 2k we're probably still well with the best star craft apms or whatever. I'd still like to find some way to really over engineer this thing.

I read a little about tdm, but that's out of my league and I don't know if you could even have 3 simultaneously signals that way

I'm thinking a microcontroller for each axis, and a usb port for each of them. So it appears like 3 different controllers to the computer. The user would just have to map the axis from the 3 controllers into 1 in their game software. I assume the steam remapping could do this.

Is it just going to get smashed back into one thread in the computer's usb hub anyway?

Any other suggestions?


cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/10852531

Working on a joystick. Seems like any protocol I use to read from peripherals is going to be bottlenecked by having just one input. My microcontroller might have multiple ADCs, but there's just one processor stepping through them. Same for spi, or i2c, or uart. There's really only ever one sensor reporting back its data at a time.

I know this might not matter for measurement resolution. Especially if you're polling at like 115k serial or something, but...

That's 8 bits per axis, and three axis. Now that's at least 34 bits. To sample each axis we're down to only 4.5k samples per second. Plus whatever other cycles the controller has to handle... even if I spent half that time doing microcontrolle cycles at like 2k we're probably still well with the best star craft apms or whatever. I'd still like to find some way to really over engineer this thing.

I read a little about tdm, but that's out of my league and I don't know if you could even have 3 simultaneously signals that way

I'm thinking a microcontroller for each axis, and a usb port for each of them. So it appears like 3 different controllers to the computer. The user would just have to map the axis from the 3 controllers into 1 in their game software. I assume the steam remapping could do this.

Is it just going to get smashed back into one thread in the computer's usb hub anyway?

Any other suggestions?


Working on a joystick. Seems like any protocol I use to read from peripherals is going to be bottlenecked by having just one input. My microcontroller might have multiple ADCs, but there's just one processor stepping through them. Same for spi, or i2c, or uart. There's really only ever one sensor reporting back its data at a time.

I know this might not matter for measurement resolution. Especially if you're polling at like 115k serial or something, but...

That's 8 bits per axis, and three axis. Now that's at least 34 bits. To sample each axis we're down to only 4.5k samples per second. Plus whatever other cycles the controller has to handle... even if I spent half that time doing microcontrolle cycles at like 2k we're probably still well with the best star craft apms or whatever. I'd still like to find some way to really over engineer this thing.

I read a little about tdm, but that's out of my league and I don't know if you could even have 3 simultaneously signals that way

I'm thinking a microcontroller for each axis, and a usb port for each of them. So it appears like 3 different controllers to the computer. The user would just have to map the axis from the 3 controllers into 1 in their game software. I assume the steam remapping could do this.

Is it just going to get smashed back into one thread in the computer's usb hub anyway?

Any other suggestions?


I get it. High heels are hot. Tighten the calves. Lift the butt. Taller. More step on me energy. They're hard to walk in. All valid points.

However, the sound of heels, its like an insecure toddler stomping down a hallway. Just imagine a normal pair of shoes doing the heel - toes slap. Clop clop clop. Cringe.

the answer is (youtu.be)
Too horny? (lemmy.world)

I just had to turn down a prancing Wyll. I tried to let him down easy, but he wasn't getting the hint.

Is this what it's like to be a woman? Dudes come prancing up to you out of nowhere like it's their best move, then get bitchy when you don't drop your pants for a two step?

I know I risk summoning the worst of the Internet with this question. I'm still curious if anyone's experienced similar in the game. Maybe I'm way off thinking there's some empathy lessons in here. It's obviously not the message of the game, but maybe one of the messages.


Sneaking is op because you can start a battle with a sneak attack from Astarion and then the combat tracker is just Astarion and the enemies that saw him, or maybe only the little pillar of light that shows up.

Once Astarion gets locked into the combat tracker you can still maneuver everyone else around the enemies sight lines and get a few more alpha strikes in outside of the combat tracker. My paladin -- in full plate -- can walk right up to an enemy that's frozen in the combat tracker as long as he doesn't walk into the sight cone.

I beat dror, m, and gut in the goblin camp all without any of them taking any turns because I was able to alpha strike them into the dirt by just starting combat with the whole party sneaking, and then walking them right up outside of the combat tracker.

Is there a party that can really exploit this? Ranger, wolf barb, shadowharts +10 party sneak, and an assassin rogue? Just alpha strike everything.


No shit skip, of course they shouldn't turn the ball over, or get red cards, or what the fuck ever. Passing gas in the bathroom and think it's perfume; literally shitty analysis I just heard on ESPN.

Why don't sports commentators actually break down plays and strategy?

Only one I can think of is jomboy breaks down pitches sometimes. Showed that the pitcher was releasing at the top of the throw for like 4 pitches of sliders then released like 20 degrees sidearm with another slider but because it was released differently it caught the batter and struck them out. Beautiful breakdown and I appreciated the sport and gamesmanship even more.

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joined 11 months ago