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[-] grrgyle 2 points 12 hours ago

The thing to stress is that cleaning up + being true to what you've got + kindness + confidence + a nice personality, will go a long way to cover for ugly (just for all my fellow uggos out there), but selling out humanity subtracts any bit of charisma or allure you might've had going for you

[-] grrgyle 3 points 14 hours ago
[-] grrgyle 1 points 14 hours ago

Oh so we're a comedian huh

[-] grrgyle 13 points 14 hours ago

Finally some good news

[-] grrgyle 19 points 14 hours ago

Now you're getting it

[-] grrgyle 3 points 14 hours ago
[-] grrgyle 3 points 14 hours ago

God bless those pure souls living between your parenthesis

[-] grrgyle 1 points 14 hours ago

Look, the bear doesn't need any more points in its favour, it already won

[-] grrgyle 1 points 14 hours ago
[-] grrgyle 7 points 17 hours ago

Just missing "revolution" in that list

[-] grrgyle 5 points 22 hours ago

Damn that stings, but honestly your "failure" is more than I've accomplished even in my successes. Like I just wanted to make a roguelike game, but managed to make a bad roguelike engine that no one uses, not even myself. And I'm still calling that a win.

I know you weren't trying to solicit advice, but have you thought of getting other people involved in running the radio station? Then you can participate when you have the energy, and take a step back when you don't?

Also I have plenty of podcasts, essayists, and newsletter writers that I like, who have a very inconsistent cadence, and it's fine. It's a happy surprise when I see they're back online.

[-] grrgyle 2 points 23 hours ago

Yeah I was thinking of Amazon, but Netflix briefly demoed it then backed off. At this point most of the providers have at least three ability to stream interstitial content, and we know that advertisers must be banging on their doors waving money at them. I have very little trust in the providers not to mess this up

submitted 6 days ago by grrgyle to c/

I just started playing Tunic. I've heard several people say it's great, so I'm going in blind.

First impressions were that the aesthetics do not feel interesting. The graphics look like default unity polygonal, and animation is quite rough. Physics objects are floaty and feel insubstantial. The outdoor lighting burns the colours in some areas, which feels unintentional.

But after 3 sessions of about 30m to 2h, I can say that I'm loving this game. The sense of mystery and discovery is masterfully embedded in a world that feels increasingly charming, the more it gets its hooks into you.

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by grrgyle to c/

Screenshot of Mario Kart for SNES with text reading "give up?" And two choices shown: "yes" and "no." The option "no" is selected. Luigi is also pictured on the lower half of the screen.

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