[-] garretble@lemmy.world 4 points 3 days ago

Guess I have to stop drinking alpaca milk.

[-] garretble@lemmy.world 4 points 4 days ago

I thought I found a bargain the other day because they had this big thing of tortilla chips for only $2! Wow!

And then I got home and the bag was about 1/3 filled with chips. I forgot to check the weight versus a normal bag. I got swindled.

[-] garretble@lemmy.world 17 points 4 days ago

Make it so Doritos are back to being ~$3 per bag instead of $6+.

[-] garretble@lemmy.world 2 points 4 days ago

You're welcome!

I hope you like it. I end up buying a couple of cartons every time I'm in the store, ha.

[-] garretble@lemmy.world 5 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

For me, Planet Oat's milk is pretty good, but their "Barista Lovers" version is the most like regular milk to me. It's really white and acts the most like regular milk. This should just be the default milk they make, to be honest. It's somewhat hard to find, unfortunately, but they have a map at their site that can help.


[-] garretble@lemmy.world 10 points 4 days ago


[-] garretble@lemmy.world 182 points 6 days ago

He profited from the secret service (and by proxy, us) the whole time he was president when he made them pay full price to have rooms at his garbage resort in Florida.

This should not be a surprise.

[-] garretble@lemmy.world 9 points 1 week ago

I was telling a bunch of friends to not be surprised when Animal Well ended up on a bunch of GOTY lists.

And they were like, “Nahh” until they played it when they were like, “Ahhhh.”

From top to bottom it’s one of the most interesting and well put together games I’ve played in so long.

[-] garretble@lemmy.world 9 points 1 week ago

I'm just thinking about how much space nearly two hundreds bodies takes up.

[-] garretble@lemmy.world 3 points 1 week ago

Sickos: "Yes...YES"

[-] garretble@lemmy.world 3 points 1 week ago

For sure. I had my last car for 20 years until it finally NEEDED to be replaced. And my current car I've had for five years. After paying it off early, I've enjoyed not having that payment, and I hope it lasts just as long as my last car.

[-] garretble@lemmy.world 17 points 1 week ago

I’m no expert but I came to the same conclusion.

submitted 4 months ago by garretble@lemmy.world to c/avelon@lemm.ee

I just started using this app today after wading through bug after bug with Voyager. Like many, Apollo was my go-to app for years and years, so it’s natural to gravitate to the one that looks exactly like it.

However, I consume this type of content mostly on my iPad, and often I’m using Stage Manager with an external KB and trackpad. Voyager in this mode barely works, so I’m just making a post here to say thanks for making this app feel great in this mode. 😎


So I have a weird one for you guys, and I’d like to see if anyone has ever come up across this one.

This is a Messages bug, and as far as I can tell it’s only on iPad since I’ve never seen this on my phone that has the same chats in it.

Basically it goes like this: I have a group chat with a few friends, and on iPad every so often when I open Messages and it’s on that chat (since that was the last place I left off) it’ll show me not the current state of the chat, but three messages (and only those three messages) from somewhere back in 2022.

I can only scroll up and down as far as those three messages will allow. It’s as if those are the only messages available to me.

However, if I tap the group chat again in the list, it goes back to normal. Loads everything and is fine.

I’ve never seen this happen on my phone, just my iPad. I was hoping the new update would fix it, but alas.

Has anyone ever run into this? I’m about to just tell them we need a new group chat.

submitted 11 months ago by garretble@lemmy.world to c/wefwef@lemmy.world

While browsing posts, it may be nice to have either a different background color or some sort of identifier on your own comments to easily pick them out of the crowd as you scroll.

Rate My Lily 58 (lemmy.world)

I had some wrist issues a couple of years ago and that pushed me to go to the split keyboard route.

I really love this keyboard. I’m someone who actually quite likes the low profile, laptop style keys, so I didn’t know if I’d enjoy this set up. But I quickly grew to love it.

Bright lights and flashing stuff isn’t really my thing, so I’m really glad I was able to find these keycaps that’s just look nice and clean. Underneath are the most silent cherry reds I could find (I’m also not a big fan out loud keyboards. Blasphemy, I know! 😃).

And for my biggest nerd cred: I’m so glad I can save my precious Dvorak layout straight to the keyboard. No longer have to deal with Windows’ layout switching.

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joined 11 months ago