[-] foggy@lemmy.world 9 points 22 hours ago* (last edited 22 hours ago)

I wonder what would happen if every anonymous hackerman got all the dirt on all the bank execs and fortune 500 CEOs necessary and created neat little dossiers...

And then all the unemployed folks clogged up every bank branch in every major city to apply for frivolous loans, grinding their ability to conduct business to a halt, just hoping some branch brazenly discriminates against them and denies them the opportunity to present their loan application. Casualty of the cause? Sure, well sue a bank for discrimination.

Then slip the neat little dossiers under some neat little doors/into some neat little mailboxes.

And THEN, then, we take to the streets and protest. Clog up traffic. Dare them to stop "phase 2: cause traffic" when promptly before it came "phase 1: get their testicles under my boot."

First grab those in power by the balls. Then take to the streets. This is how scientology did it. It can be done for good just as it was for evil.

[-] foggy@lemmy.world 2 points 1 day ago


[-] foggy@lemmy.world 28 points 1 day ago
[-] foggy@lemmy.world 7 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Not experienced? Don't bite off more than you can chew unless you're at least "athletic."

You don't need much to hike.

A water bottle. Plenty of water. Food is less important just have sustenance. Nuts, a couple protein bars... But man a backpack with a bladder/hose is nice. But also, consider weight.

Hiking shoes help, running shoes are totally fine. Skate shoes/chuck Taylor's/work boots will cause issues over long distances.

If it's hot, and over 10 miles, I recommend bringing a change of clothes. But again, consider weight/distance/experience.

Pace yourself. And pace your friends in your group. And speak up. Start slower than any of you feel makes sense. Get in gear. Find your pace together. Never start fast. If you're not alone, my rule of thumb is everyone should be able to have a good laugh without needing to stop. When In alone I go "slow enough I'll never have to stop". So don't push, unless like, that's the goal.

Stretch often. Before, during, and after.

Lastly, if you're getting winded, two tips:

  1. Use your whole lungs. When people hyperventilate, they rarely use all of their lungs capacity. If you feel that "out of breath" feeling getting difficult, breathe "through your lungs. In thirds."

By this I mean full inhale, exhale about 1/3. Inhale a bit, exhale down to about 1/3 remaining, inhale a bit, exhale to 0. Repeat. This will oxygenate your blood a lot better than staying up in that top 1/3, as we instinctually do.

  1. Hands locked on top of your head. Elbows out. Relax your shoulders. Your lungs now do not have to lift your shoulders to get a full inhale. This will help you recover faster.

That's it. Start hydrated. Finish hydrated. Stretch. Go slow. Breathe. Hiking is easy.

[-] foggy@lemmy.world 2 points 1 day ago

I mean the school board is just citizens. So you'd have to like... Dig. Spokeo or a PI. Both cost money.

[-] foggy@lemmy.world 52 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

As a millennial...yeah same. That was us. They're still here. Somehow still alive and on life support.

[-] foggy@lemmy.world 8 points 1 day ago

Deflation is happening? Is this real?

Everyone go cancel a service because "it's too expensive"

[-] foggy@lemmy.world 20 points 1 day ago

But... But why

[-] foggy@lemmy.world 1 points 1 day ago

Yes, but far more traceable!

I mean, if eBay couldt cover entrails...

[-] foggy@lemmy.world 1 points 2 days ago

Trump - Shane Gillis

Tate - Keegan Michael Key.

[-] foggy@lemmy.world 5 points 2 days ago

Who's playing Tate?

[-] foggy@lemmy.world 24 points 2 days ago

Fuck your feelings.

Lock him up.

My how the turn tables.

submitted 2 months ago by foggy@lemmy.world to c/gaming@lemmy.ml

This is an appreciation thread. All 4 games are iconic to me. Way underrated.

To me, midnight club is everything need for speed wanted to be. Need for speed had a few hits and many misses. Midnight club was 100% hits. And they aged incredibly. They're still fun as hell.

If you never played and you dig arcade racing games, go play. It's an open city racing game. Variety of racing types, endless challenges, and really great mechanicsi just wish it was as.pophlar as it deserves to be.

Worse and worse (lemmy.world)
submitted 3 months ago by foggy@lemmy.world to c/chatgpt@lemmy.world

Anyone else getting worse and worse service with chat gpt?

I am getting repetitive incorrect and lazy answers and then rate limited. Idk what I'm even paying for at this point. It's happened the last 5 times I've used it over the last week or so.

Am I alone?

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by foggy@lemmy.world to c/lemmyconnect@lemmy.ca

Im on a galaxy s22+. This started happening the same time the upvotes downvote buttons started to glitch in the UI which I have also posted about.

This issue is more annoying. When I am mid response, I'll often leave the app to get more accurate info in what I'm trying to say. When I come back to Lemmy, it's all black. Nothing. But my button presses are still registering.

If I go to the app switcher (bottom left android button) thing, and reselect Lemmy, it fixes and the display returns.

But if I react by pressing the back button, I lose my response, I lose the post I was responding to, I sometimes can't even relocate the thread I was in easily.

voting buttons bug (lemmy.world)
submitted 6 months ago by foggy@lemmy.world to c/lemmyconnect@lemmy.ca

I need to hit the upvotes and downvote buttons twice on the main page.

It will flash it's color as I press on press 1, but then quickly revert. On second press, it behaves normally.

submitted 6 months ago by foggy@lemmy.world to c/videos@lemmy.world

This guy was something special. Not too many prodigies can improv like Tom Brier. Someone posted Nyan cat the other day and it reminded me of the incredible body of his work.

This guys relative made this YouTube channel when he realized Tom could play anything and turn it into a full length song ad libertum, AND that he was incredibly out of touch with pop culture. Most of the time he is completely unfamiliar with the song being presented to him. You can tell how much he enjoyed this song by his enthusiastic laugh at the end 😊

Guy sadly was in a bad car accident in 2016, and can no longer play. These videos just make me cry now, but God damn does this mean deserve keep being found and revered.

submitted 8 months ago by foggy@lemmy.world to c/lemmyconnect@lemmy.ca

Right now there are three feeds available to me, that, as far as I can tell, I have minimal control over.

It'd be rad if there was a way to add feeds, and for each feed, be able to manually select communities I'd like to see.

This would be great for news, porn, sports, pornography, adult content, and so much more.

Blocking behavior (lemmy.world)
submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by foggy@lemmy.world to c/lemmyconnect@lemmy.ca

Right now if I block a user, it can disconnect my user within the app from portions of my user presence.

i.e. if I respond to a user in good faith, they respond in bad faith, I block them, and I want to revisit my good faith response in context, I am unable to do so via my profile. If the person I block is the top level comment, I am unable to view any content created within that comment tree because the top level comment is blocked.

I bring this up as Lemmy.world defederates from hexbear, and it has felt like there might be some brigading going on in relation to that.

This might be intentional, or not. Just voicing an opinion that I wish blocking a user would just make all of that users posts show as [blocked] and their username show as [blocked], with an option to temporarily display the blocked content, but still be unable to interact without physically unblocking them. If the "block" was more cosmetic and less functional, it wouldn't disconnect existing functionality (like trying to view my own posts in context).

submitted 10 months ago by foggy@lemmy.world to c/lemmyconnect@lemmy.ca

I can only see a very small portion of my inbox when I go to "View All". The oldest reply I'm able to see is 23 hrs old. I've been receiving replies for about a month.

submitted 10 months ago by foggy@lemmy.world to c/lemmyconnect@lemmy.ca

I can't seem to see posts that are below 0 points.

If I respond to a person, and their post gets downvoted, mine also becomes contextually unviewable.

Same seems to happen if I respond to someone and they delete their post.

Is this a connect feature? Where can I change this? I don't want posts to be hidden unless I hide it manually. I always want to be able to revisit my posts in the threads they were posted in.

submitted 10 months ago by foggy@lemmy.world to c/lemmyconnect@lemmy.ca

From the front page/local/all, the reply button allows me to reply to the thread but shows none of the current replies. This will be a problem if we pick up steam; humans aren't that creative. The number of times people will give the same reply will be higher because of this.

Also, it is this unclear where to click to access the replies? Am I alone here? I touch slightly to the left of the reply button to access the comment sections, but it is finicky.

Touch a little higher and you get the user, or the community.

These links/buttons need to be better separated, and more clear for a better UX. It's often a lot of clicking back and forth to get where I intended to go.

submitted 10 months ago by foggy@lemmy.world to c/lemmyconnect@lemmy.ca

I am consistently double tapping the upvote and downvote buttons because the new animation takes so long to trigger after press.

submitted 10 months ago by foggy@lemmy.world to c/lemmyconnect@lemmy.ca

If I open an image in connect for Lemmy, I'll often want to zoom in and explore the photo for details. If I navigate to the edge of the photo while zoomed, the photo/post closes automatically.

This is a really frustrating behavior. Anyone else experiencing this?

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