He might have convinced himself already. That doesn't change the facts though.
Usually a "call to arms" is where freedom of speech ends.
Geht auch ohne Einstichstelle. Vielleicht hat jemand seine Globulis vergiftet. Paarmal mehr verdünnt oder zu oft geschüttelt oder so.
Crazy of you think about it. Kind of sad actually.
Es ist gut möglich, dass es eine Backdoor in der Hardware gibt. Deutschen Behörden würde Apple aber sicher nicht aushelfen. In den USA ist der Druck auf die großen Konzerne allerdings ziemlich groß. Würde deshalb pessimistischerweise annehmen dass das bei allen TPM Chips und ähnlichem der Fall ist. Allerdings müsste man schon ein ziemlich dicker Fisch sein um die NSA oder das FBI auf sich zu ziehen.
I second this. People usually recommend Ubuntu for beginners which I can somewhat understand because it's super easy to get started. But the downside is that you'll most likely stay a beginner and don't understand the absolute basics of a Linux based OS because, well, most of the time you don't have to. Then you make a beginner's mistake once and there you go.
The problem with only panels and wind is the fluctuation. We need at least a small "baseline" power supply that works when there is no wind at night. Storing large amounts of energy is the missing piece here to get rid of conventional power plants altogether. We'll get there eventually.
If a penalty is "worth it", it's a business decision, not a penalty. Add a zero or two if you want it to work as intended.
T480s user here. It's perfectly fine, too. I think it went downhill from the 90-series onwards.
It's only missing 24 to make it one Kibibara.
Besonders toll für die Umwelt sind die jetzt auch nicht. Der Gesamtwirkungsgrad ist mit 75% auch nicht berauschend.
Not a remake but I think another addon for Diablo 2 would still be awesome.