Right wingers when someone left of centre appears: I don’t think you’re right but you make valid points on xyz
I see you haven't met my family.
Right wingers when someone left of centre appears: I don’t think you’re right but you make valid points on xyz
I see you haven't met my family.
I can't see where that site has an Android app? It only has stuff about iOS.
Its a real person thing, I have had the displeasure of interacting with them.
Of course, they were young college kids who heard the term for the first time in class and were eager to prove how enlightened they were, but holy shit have I heard some hot takes. The college culture at an administrative level also plays into it, since they had an incident where one of the undergrad history professors told students it wasn't their job to educate the class on racism.
Just like learning how to cook for yourself is a poor solution for people who live in a food desert or don't have access to a kitchen, sure.
People forget its bread and roses
So, I'm afab and probably agender, which is where the confusion is coming from. I'm on estrogen and progesterone because otherwise my cycle is stuck to 'on', so even my relationship with hormones is complicated.
Neither of these things directly tell me my subconscious sex, but when the testosterone makes me feel awful, or when being treated and seen as a woman makes me feel wonderful, or when estrogen gives me mild waves of buzzing bodily euphoric, I make inferences about my subconscious sex from that.
See, none of that resonates with me at all. Going off my meds makes me feel terrible, but that's from the resulting anemia. I've tried living as a man, I've tried living as a woman, I've never gotten that "yes, this is me" feeling that people talk about. I don't know what "psychological self conceptualization" as a gender means, because it's all uncomfortable for me?
It feels like what you're talking about is the university course and I'm still in primary education.
It may not help, but I do enjoy this poem by Caitlin Seida:
Hope Is Not a Bird, Emily, It’s a Sewer Rat
When I say gender identity is biological, I am talking about what Julia Serano calls “subconscious sex” which she also sometimes interchanges with “gender identity”, which is basically that innate and unchanging sense of your sex / gender.
Okay, but what about those of us that have never had an innate and unchanging sense of my sex/gender?
I'm with you on this. My childhood church was christo-fascist, and it was my wide wanderings on the web that showed me a different way was possible.
I see you haven't experienced the "fresh" produce my local grocery is offering.
Where I'm at, we've got a 45mph truck route going through the middle of a residential area, which lead to a kid running out in front of a semi a few years back. I'd say the primary blame for that specific incident is with whoever zoned it like that, and not the trucker who wasn't familiar with the area.