Our retirement is tied to it.
I have absolutely no idea what I’m talking about – but I might check if some harness extension with the same pinout exists and if it could be relocated to the interior.
Throwing a smaller 12v fan or some kind of ducting to direct air across the heatsink would certainly be the cheapest/easiest first pass solution.
Don’t give people ideas.
Huh? A timetraveling bomb was dropped?
I might need someone to elaborate. I’m aware that it’s a My Little Pony – and that it is in a jar.
Some stranger is supposed to go through a questionable gauntlet of off leash dogs to get a package placed in front of the door?
You need to set your sights on enterprise sales.
How does one determine which kind of soup to use for this?
Pretty sure Tom Hanks himself has mentioned he doesn’t understand why it’s so popular.
Try and get the current stack running locally or in a dev environment. Add a “hello world” route - call it and see what happens - iterate.
There are certainly times that you come into a situation that requires a new service. But it shouldn’t be your first inclination. A lot of software development is supporting legacy/other’s code.
Do the new requirements require information from the current database/codebase?
+1 to being out of contact – It can honestly wait until the next time you’re near a work computer. (I’m hoping a work laptop or something is involved here.)