[-] dream_weasel@sh.itjust.works 2 points 45 minutes ago

No I think you're thinking of running. Speed walking allows you to do 2 walks per walk.

[-] dream_weasel@sh.itjust.works 1 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Not super conclusive here. Lean not dangerous? Eh, it doesn't actually matter that much, I like steak and I'm not eating it every day.

Any particular reason to make the switch? Arch is solving all the problems for me that I know I have... But maybe there are others

TIL about Gayle. I always thought this was a gay photoshop of Elijah Wood...

[-] dream_weasel@sh.itjust.works 1 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

I'm also interested in this answer since I want to replace my ADT system as well.

Though I'd personally like to order it from Amazon (not made by Amazon though) as I prefer my spyware from the US with same day delivery. AliExpress doesn't do it for me unless I get a "buy specifically this one" type link and it's the only option.

I don't want to see anything related to DJT and an ass-cross...

But if I were just to hear about it then ok I guess.

I agree with you, and thus have to downvote?

[-] dream_weasel@sh.itjust.works 8 points 4 days ago

How do I hear the speech as he spoke it, not a crappy voice over in English?

[-] dream_weasel@sh.itjust.works 1 points 4 days ago

It really is super good

[-] dream_weasel@sh.itjust.works 38 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

The gravitational constant G, no, the mutual gravitational force between the earth and the ball approximated as g, yes.

Edit: Since this is a little pedantic, G is used to calculate g.

[-] dream_weasel@sh.itjust.works 17 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

Intentional? Or old man being old?


Really enjoying nvim-dap-ui lately, but I always have to adjust the sizes of the windows. The docs have left me high and dry so far, but maybe one of you have a good solution for a consistent layout when you first attach to a file?


I saw a post of the guy doing NFC to get various disney+ and Netflix shows. I've installed an integration with ADB... and have no idea how to proceed. Any of you have yaml snippets I can steal to that end?

I really want to be able to turn on the lights, turn on the TV, and start cocomelon for my daughter on Netflix in the basement as a one stop script, but I apparently am not smart enough.

The other guy link is in Reddit so I'm not going to link it but it is really easy to find on Google: an NFC card system for Netflix.



Or are you open to hearing all kinds of opinions?

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