[-] dillekant 2 points 1 day ago

Ya she gots good videos.

[-] dillekant 2 points 2 days ago

I was having a chat with someone about how they are more "Star trek future rather than Solarpunk future", and I found something off about it but didn't really think about it, but it's this. It's the idea that the key conceit of Star Trek being they are exploring for the hell of it can't really be true, and that exploration in itself is to try and get some dividend off it. Any "Star Trek future" which is not colonial is necessarily a Solarpunk future first.

[-] dillekant 4 points 3 days ago

OK she didn't say it out loud, but there's a pretty strong link between what she's talking about (homeostatic awakening) and what Solarpunk is.

submitted 3 days ago by dillekant to c/solarpunk

OK I haven't seen the whole thing yet but I'm at the point of the video where I think she's going to say "Solarpunk" and I'm excite!

[-] dillekant 5 points 2 weeks ago

Yeah same. I would much prefer they mainline the code as opposed to "supporting" it themselves.

[-] dillekant 1 points 2 weeks ago

I'm just using it as a space heater for my study, which is also where I work from. While using the computer in Winter I just switch on f@h for both CPU and GPU (AMD 5700x and 6700xt), and this heats up the room. It's a good 300-400W. I have home assistant telling me the temperature in the room and it bugs me to turn it off if it's too hot. That's my "temperature control". I didn't build anything, the computer is just under my desk and it heats up my room.

Originally my plan was to have F@H automatically turn on and off based on temperature, but it turns out the power is low enough and the lag is high enough that you switch it on in the morning, and then once the room is upto temperature you can just switch it off and the room will stay warm the rest of the day.

[-] dillekant 10 points 2 weeks ago

I do this. If you want to actually want to use or donate the processing power, this is kind of a good thing. However, there are a lot of downsides:

  • Computers are generally much lower power than a heater. This makes them very slow to "react" to heating needs. Heating a small room, even with a 500W PC, could take an hour or maybe more.
  • Heaters have a thermostat, which computers don't, so even though they are very laggy, they also don't stop heating when the temperature is right. This means they can overshoot and make the room uncomfortably hot.
  • You could set up an external thermostat but then you need a load which can be switched on and off.
  • I was using folding@home, but the work items take a long time, and switching them on and off will increase the time taken to resolve the work item, which in turn means the system could get annoyed and use someone else's computer to resolve the work item faster, or worse, blacklist your computer.
  • Using your PC to generate heat will use up its maximum lifetime. The fans aren't built to be running at max speed all the time, the CPU & GPU could wear out, and the power systems will also wear as time goes on. You sort of have to align that lifetime against usage. This is likely fine if you see the computation as a donation or if you have important stuff to compute, but it's probably not worth just wasting the cycles.
[-] dillekant 3 points 2 weeks ago

I do agree that Solarpunk as a genre is extremely nascent. There's barely anything which could really constitute Solarpunk, much less something cohesive.

[-] dillekant 5 points 3 weeks ago
[-] dillekant 9 points 3 weeks ago

Toll roads aren't bad, it's all in the details. The problem is that the government is often "captured" and therefore has no incentive to have a fair contract, so they'll add clauses like

  • If the company loses money because the government does something, the government will pay them. This often prevents the government from reducing or removing the toll road / other privately owned resource.
  • The government can't "compete" with the toll road, either with another road or (sometimes) through public transport.
  • The government will often, as a form of pork-barrelling, offer people reimbursements for the toll road usage, thereby funneling tax payer money into the private company.
  • Toll roads are tax deductible.

Ideally, toll roads encourage people to take the train.

[-] dillekant 3 points 3 weeks ago

There were a bunch of game company closures in Australia in the 2000s and now there are a bunch of Australian indie devs, as an example. The cycle takes a long time though.

[-] dillekant 3 points 4 weeks ago

I think this may be the way the explanation comes across. Historically, there were many lakes, but now the lakes don't exist because there's a large city there instead. So, to replicate the behaviour of the lakes, you need to get the water to traverse rock to remove some impurities and then settle in aquifers.

submitted 4 weeks ago by dillekant to c/solarpunk

I know most Solarpunks already know about Andrew Millison from his permaculture work, but his new videos are both awesome and very solarpunk vibes, simple solutions for big problems.

[-] dillekant 6 points 4 weeks ago

"Are you sure you want me to dress up like Optimus Prime?"

submitted 1 month ago by dillekant to c/solarpunk

I like it, it's a good movie, and I want to make the (maybe hot take argument) that this is solarpunk!


submitted 1 month ago by dillekant to c/permacomputing

Interesting look into Dune and the Luddites, and how technology can take two forms. Apropos permacomputing I think.

submitted 2 months ago by dillekant to c/fuck_cars@lemmy.ml

Seriously fuckcars you need to hear this. Have we been fighting for the wrong side the whole time/???

submitted 2 months ago by dillekant to c/environment@aussie.zone

Great video on building new housing supply, and also covers how the Greens are duplicitous about building new housing while opposing housing in their councils. Labor is right on this one.

submitted 2 months ago by dillekant to c/piracy@lemmy.dbzer0.com

Hi guys, I just wanted to call out an inappropriate term I've seen used sometimes: Civil Disobedience. It's not just civil disobedience when you pirate something privately, you need to do it publicly and dare the authorities to do something about it.

So an example here would be to set up a massive leech party and advertise it specifically as civil disobedience. Say all manner of things from all manner of copyright holders would be transmitted, and try and get news coverage. That's civil disobedience.

Just downloading a movie because you want to watch it is not. OK thanks for your time.

Aaron Bushnell, Anarchist (www.youtube.com)
submitted 3 months ago by dillekant to c/anarchism

I don't have any words for this. The man is a hero.

submitted 3 months ago by dillekant to c/technology

Colani is pretty interesting from a design standpoint. The biomimicry in his designs can be a sister to art nouveau and very reminiscent of Moebius. I think Colani is definitely a touch point for Solarpunk art.

submitted 3 months ago by dillekant to c/solarpunk

New TTT just dropped. Sorry I know I keep sharing Youtube videos I'm probably just Basic like that.

submitted 3 months ago by dillekant to c/solarpunk

Alice Cappelle generally tackles social issues, and here she shares the idea that school under capitalism is seen as transactional, and therefore this results in teachers being disrespected, which stymies education.

submitted 3 months ago by dillekant to c/fuck_cars@lemmy.ml

Whenever I feel sad I just think the words "Rozelle Interchange" and my life gets a little bit better...

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