
joined 1 year ago
[–] 30 points 1 year ago

In no way is the person you're responding to speaking defensively. They've discussed the reason why your extrapolation to a full-mesh connective worst-case scenario isn't based in the reality of how ActivityPub functions. But you don't seem to be willing to entertain the notion that the federation of any given action never exceeds the number of instances subscribed to the community that generated it.

Even should every instance subscribe to every community on every other instance, the recipient of a federated action doesn't turn around and rebroadcast that action back on to the network because it is not the authoritative host of that community. Therefore what this discussion is lacking is proof of where this exponential broadcast storm of federated actions comes from in your assertion.

Probably another replay of the parable of the Nazi bar. But as the end of the article says, people who don’t want to hang out at the Nazi bar will just go elsewhere.

At least if things get to that point, we'll hopefully have had some time to really build up places for those people to go.

I was reading about this study some just the other day. Gotta say that I'm really intrigued by how it re-frames the generally accepted knowledge. I hope they're able to derive something testable from this.

[–] 3 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I definitely wouldn't be surprised if there's a notable overlap there. Probably not a stretch to imagine that the technically-minded users would be more in tune with the protest.

[–] 4 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Glad to hear about your successes in the trip! I'm still incredibly early in my own studies, but I've heard the best way to study listening comprehension is by regularly consuming media in the language. What that looks like might change depending on someone's particular interests, but I've really enjoyed putting on Japanese Twitch streams in the background for games I already know (or don't have any need to know, like competitive esports).

As expected, quite a lot flew over my head. But I was also surprised by how much I picked up on, both from the gradual improvement of my more formal studies and also from the loan words that tend to show up when talking about games. And I'm able to leverage my existing knowledge of the subject matter to just let my brain do what it can to contextualize what it's hearing.

The classic! For me, I gotta give it to Heavens Divide from Peace Walker. Such good music to pick from across the series.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Both phenomenal picks. The Bomberman 64 soundtrack is dear to me since I used to speedrun that game for quite a while. The euphoria of the staff roll hitting has never gone away. And Katana Zero is great for getting the player in to a flow state. I love how visceral it gets on some tracks, too.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

I've noticed the same situation in some threads on my own instance too. But I'm under the impression that it might just be backlogged on the responsible instance that's supposed to send out the federated content. I've noticed this when just having my home feed set to New and then suddenly seeing like thirty posts from come across all at once with widely varied timestamps.

I suppose the best way to test if this is the case would be to note down any threads that are missing substantial amounts of comments on your local server and then check back with that thread periodically to see if and when they start to fill in.

Honestly this is the silver lining of Elon buying the company; endless entertainment from watching the smoldering wreck. I do feel bad for the folks that were actually getting value out of using Twitter before his acquisition, but it's fascinating to see Twitter constantly finding new ways to fail to meet everyone's already-low expectations.

Exactly. Rip the bandaid off and be honest instead of trying to gaslight everyone. Probably would've resulted in far fewer people checking out Fediverse alternatives.

[–] 7 points 1 year ago (2 children)

That's the real killer for me. I didn't like Reddit's API business decision, but when they think they can just lie to everyone about the entire situation surrounding it that's what's getting me to nuke my accounts and ditch the platform completely.

Utterly disrespectful.

[–] 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I had a strange issue where the Store interface couldn't be interacted with until I swapped to the Library and back again. I side-stepped the issue by just telling Steam to always open to the Library tab on launch which is honestly preferable behavior anyways.

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