I think attention modulation disorder.. I have the longest AND the shortest attention span ever. I might not finish typing this but also I'll research black holes unblinkingly for 16 hours.
do I get updates? I own word 97, I'm not thrilled I can still use it..
also, what is it?!
i had no idea about the beans, it's been a confusing education and i won't do it again 😬
edit: perhaps it's bean a confusing education, i don't even know anymore
yeah I didn't know who he was so I looked it up. that paragraph just struck me as the weirdest origin story so I shared it.
trying to keep Lemmy interesting for the people
need to disprove the accusation of racism?
just tell everyone it's a Jew conspiracy.
honestly the only thing that makes sense
how do I set my version to European
letting people pat my corgi has indeed made me many friends
I played it cool for an entire uber ride home at 7am and walked inside feeling like I'd totally gotten away with it.
Went to brush my teeth, looked in the mirror and and remembered there was a facepainter at the event and I looked like Ziggy Stardust.
you know, I really fucking hate how they bait us with photos of the politicians looking manically delighted, I'm positive those expressions weren't in response to a pay rise but implying they were makes them look like absolute ghouls. poor reporting.
would transpilation of C libraries help with the lack of libraries however?
let that sink in.